Prices for bare agricultural land rose by a further 1% to just over £8,300 per acre in the third quarter of this year, taking annual growth to 13%.
Value per acre of farmland and buildings in Prince Edward Island 2010-2023 Argentina: arable and cropland area 2000-2016 Topics Organic and sustainable food in the NetherlandsOrganic food market in the U.S.Sustainable food industryOrganic food market in EuropeOrganic consumers ...
Some scholars have ar- gued that land abandonment threatens some semi-natural habitats with a high ecological value, so this agricultural practice should be maintained (Fischer et al., 2012). Others have advocated that abandonment is a good opportunity to restore natural ecosystems and con- serve...
Status of farmers in France 2016, by gender North America's biodiversity loss due to food lost and wasted as of 2017, by country Organic fruit, vegetables and potatoes share in the Netherlands 2017, by supermarket Value per acre of farmland and buildings in Quebec 2010-2023 ...
Farmland value nears record; $2,083: The price per acre is at its second-highest levelASSOCIATED PRESS
English farmland has trebled in value over the past decade and now averages more than pounds 7,000 an acre. While farmers still make up at least half of all buyers, estate agents have seen an influx of City bankers as well as buyers from overseas - crisis-stricken Greece and Italy, ...
Value of Farmland in Oklahoma Down to $428 per Acre on Feb. 1WASHINGTON (AP) - The value of farmland in Oklahoma fell to $428 per acre as of Feb. 1, 1987, down from $481 per acre on Feb. 1, 1986, the latest U.S. Agriculture Department figures show.U.S. Newspapers...
FARMLAND prices hit another record high during the final six months of 2013, having jumped around 15% in the space of a year, a new survey reveals today.During the second half of last year, the average cost of farmland rose to PS7,754 per acre across England and Wales, hitting a ...
Farmland Demand Keeps Prices Healthy; Pounds 6,500 per Acre Is Being AchievedByline: SALLY WILLIAMSWestern Mail (Cardiff, Wales)
Farmland transfer is an inevitable approach to solving farmland fragmentation and the resulting low productivity in China. Although the central government has formulated various guidelines on farmland transfer, the traditional transfer model faces high t