LOG - Farming Simulator 2015, 15 mods FS 22 Maps Sachalin Map v1.0.0.0 Mod October 15, 2024FS 2015 mods Download Mod FS 22 Objects Foodmixer TMR v1.0.0.0 Mod August 4, 2024FS 2015 mods Download Mod FS 22 Vehicles Unimog 406 Cabrio Agrar v2.0.0.1 Mod...
Farming Simulator 22 Update Patch Bugfixes & Changes Balestacking: Added Kubota M7 with frontloader Balestacking: Added Volvo 120H wheelloader Arena: Fixed cutters jumping upwards when driving over Drops Arena: Improved performance while Drops are waiting to be picked up ...
- Added support for STRAW BLOWERS and TMR MIXER WAGONS - Fix logic for loading with doors and curtains open/closed - Fix issue with "Straw Harvest Pack" after update - Workaround for unloading to buildings with the object storage specialisation ...
Model NO. TMR Mixer Processing Object Animal-Derived Feed Processing Technics Mixing-before-Crushing Screen Mesh Without Screen Mesh Grinding Equipment Type Feed Hammer Mill Pellet Mill Type Ring Die Pelleter Bulking Machine Type Single Screw Bulking Machine ...
TMR mixer for the production of optimal cow feed NEW pig feed production Textile factory Water pumping stationWhat can I find in the Lager Pack? Fertilizer storage fillable fueling station Grass bale storage Hay bale storage Lime storage Seed storage Silage bale storage straw bale storageWhat...
高效的饲喂解决方案: 这款拖拉机驱动的立式TMR饲喂混合机旨在为农场育种应用提供高效的饲喂解决方案,确保动物的最佳营养。 可靠耐用的结构: 具有坚固的结构和高质量的核心部件,包括PLC,齿轮箱,电机和齿轮,本机能够承受频繁使用的要求。 易于操作和维护: 该机器专为拖曳应用而设计,可在农场周围轻松移动,并为核心组件提...
Why Need To Use a TMR Mixer? TMR mixers can reduce the work of feeding cows and save labor costs. A TMR provides more control and accuracy over the amount of feed given than separate ingredients. Feeding a TMR that's correctly balanced for your cow...
drying, and the ability to ferment earlage, haylage, and corn silage and high moisture corn in vertical silos, thanks to GlobalCompany. The feed rooms feature conveyor belts to allow you to unload multiple silos in one spot, and on the main farm, you can install a stationary TMR mixer. ...
高生产率: 这种奶牛养殖Tmr饲料搅拌机旨在提供高生产率,确保牛,羊和马的大量饲料的高效加工,使其成为大型农场的理想选择。 可定制的颜色选项: 机器提供定制颜色,允许用户选择适合其特定需求和偏好的颜色,增强设备的整体美学吸引力。 持久的组件: 机器具有耐用的核心组件,包括PLC,齿轮,变速箱,电机,轴承和发动机,由3...
1 New sell point,(19 total) East Mann Feeds (purchases TMR and Pig Food at a higher rate as a speacialty animal feeds store.) Flour factory Cheese factory Diesel factory Cookie factory TMR Mixer, Pig Food Mixer, Fermentor (at player farm, new farmer mode) 2 large forests completed, with...