Farming Life in Another World: Schöpfer: Kinosuke Naitô Mit Monica Rial, Luci Christian, Blake Shepard, Kara Greenberg Ein junger Mann wird in einer anderen Welt wiedergeboren und entscheidet sich für ein ruhiges Leben als Bauer.
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Zabutonis a character from the AnimeFarming Life in Another World. Due to being indexed as a Animal character type, they do not have visual traits assigned. TraitAppearsOfficial GenderFemale Eye ColorRed Hair ColorBlue Hair LengthUnknown
ACDB Log In Search Anime Characters Quotes Characters☰ MENU Farming Life in Another World TEXT VIEW OF NAMES Section 0 Section 0 Hiraku Machio Protagonist Rurushi Main Character Tia Main Character Ann Unsorted Besel Kreim Chrome Unsorted Daga Unsorted Donoban Unsorted Doraimu Unsorted ...
Compile Heart Unveils Scar-Lead Salvation – A Challenging Roguelike Shooter with an Anime Twist MOBA Classic Heroes of Newerth Returns as Heroes of Newerth: Reborn If fishing and aquatic life forms are not your thing, rest assured—the game also has plenty of land animals that players can inte...
Farming Life in Another World: Schöpfer: Kinosuke Naitô Mit Monica Rial, Luci Christian, Blake Shepard, Kara Greenberg Ein junger Mann wird in einer anderen Welt wiedergeboren und entscheidet sich für ein ruhiges Leben als Bauer.
All characters in Farming Life in Another World including Rurushi, Tia, Hakuren, Ria, Lastismoon and many more.
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动画 角色 Quotes All Characters in Farming Life in Another World Pic CV Romaji Japanese Furigana Aliases CV: Yukiyo Fujii Ann アン CV: Yoji Ueda Besel Kreim Chrome ビーゼル=クライム=クローム CV: Haruki Ishiya Daga ダガ CV: Kosei Hirota Donoban ドノバン CV: Tetsu Inada Doraimu...