If you enjoy growing your own crops and nurturing a deep connection with the world, thenGrow: Song of the Evertreeis another farming game worth checking out. Set in a magical world, the game sees you taking on the role of an Everheart Alchemist assigned the ancestral task of caring for ...
The change from hunting and gathering to farming was associated with important demographic and cultural changes in different parts of the world. The process involving changes in lifestyle and in material culture, such as the introduction of pottery, has often been referred to as the Neolithic trans...
Through real-world case studies, the paper illustrates how these benefits are realized in various farming scenarios. 2. What Are the Primary Challenges? The study examines the challenges that precision agriculture faces, including data security and privacy concerns, the cost of implementation, the ...
Returning to our research questions, we first evaluate how the three rice system interventions compared to baseline management under historical climate conditions for key variables shown in Fig. 4. Fig. 4 Boxplots show the absolute value of a yields (kg/ha), b methane emissions (kg/ha), and...
even at sub-lethal concentrations. In Chile, the world's second largest producer of salmon, aquaculture is considered the primary source of antibiotics residues in the coastal waters of northern Patagonia. Here, we evaluated whether the structure and diversity of marine bacterial community, the richn...
[9] examining the production potential of wheat production in vertical farms. They find that a 10-layer vertical farm could produce up to 600 times the current world average annual wheat yield per area achieved with conventional farming (3.2 t/ha). In addition to wheat, soybean is another ...
Compost is used worldwide as a soil conditioner for crops, but its functions have still been explored. Here, the omics profiles of carrots were investigated, as a root vegetable plant model, in a field amended with compost fermented with thermophilic Bac
Although the correlation between dbh and insecticide use was also high (r =− 0.648, P < 0.001), they were both retained because the value was below the threshold of r = 0.779 (Supplementary Table S2). In all the models we included an orchard-level random effect to ...
lockdowns, travel restrictions and border closures – were expected to add another shock to farming systems. Using 11 in-depth case studies, this paper investigates the extent to which different farming systems across Europe were affected by the crisis, which resilience strategies they adopted, and...
A logical starting place would be to test for differences between individualistic Western cultures and interdependent cultures around the world. A recent study of 56 cultures found that people in collectivistic cultures were more accurate at the Mind in the Eyes task (Greenberg et al., 2023). ...