The EU has excellent agriculture records, supporting its small farms and farming communities, and EU farming cooperatives (of various types) have been expressing concern over formation of the EU and globalization for some time. If we have no sustainanble permaculture models in place and we expand...
he was hired by the Federation of Southern Cooperatives and Natural Resource and Conservation Service, USDA, to perform outreach for Akron High Tunnel Initiative. In 2020, he started the nonprofit Akron Urban Agriculture to further assist residents in food deserts with agriculture, conservation, and ...
Extension agencies, service providers, or cooperatives could supply smallholder farmers with access to mechanized cultivators. This approach would eliminate the need for large-scale investments, which smallholder farmers would be unable to make. It would also reduce the waiting time for farmers in a ...
The Role of Cooperatives in Improving Smallholder Participation in Agri-Food Value Chains: A Case Study of One Local Municipality in Eastern Cape, South Africa. Sustainability 2024, 16, 2241. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Yuvirsa, G. Faktor-faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Partisipasi Anggota ...
Agriculture 2021, 11, 455 8 of 29 In the first stage of the analyses, the adequacy of the factor analysis was confirmed by calculating the Kaiser-Meiyer-Olkin index (KMO), which was significantly higher (0.711) than the critical value of 0.5 [45]. After standardizing the variables, an ...
Today, mobile applications [32], smart sensors [33], unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) [34], cloud computing [35] and edge computing [31] make precision agriculture possible for farming cooperatives. It goes without saying that the implementation of MFS requires extended technological features, such...
One farmer said, “we don’t farm such crops that need to have cooperatives”, while another said, “I don’t have the time to participate in such things”. However, 65% of the farmers said that help from the cooperative had helped them to get through the pandemic. One farmer also ...
These new organic farmers are supporting each other through ad hoc networks of local and regional farmers' union cooperatives for financial support, extension services, and distribution of produce. Another form of support is through national and prefectural research associations that hold meetings, ...
The provision of tailor-made courses and training, as well as the mediated communication between peers, friends, neighbors, cooperatives, etc., will increase social learning and will strengthen the people's resilience and capacity to adapt [100]. It is also important to consider that agricultural...
Alternatively, analyses can be conducted on the implications of applying PV systems in certain auxiliary activities of agriculture, such as recycling plants, packaging cooperatives or those aimed at water usage efficiency and increased water supply, e.g., desalinization plants with solar energy, which...