CANFIELD, Ohio – Farmers National Banc Corp. continues to exceed expectations and break records, CEO Kevin Helmick told shareholders at the company’s annual meeting Thursday afternoon. “2017 was truly a historic year for Farmers,” Helmick said to those gathered at St. Michael’s Parish Center...
此外,公司通过The Farmers National Bank of Canfield和Farmers Trust Company在俄亥俄州和宾夕法尼亚州的多个县开展业务。此次股息派发延续了Farmers National Banc Corp.回报股东的惯例。这些是有关该公司的最新进展。 本文由人工智能协助翻译。更多信息,请参见我们的使用条款。 现在应该投资2000美元在FMNB吗? 买入FM...