This is great hearty lunch or dinner. I first made this when I had leftover lentils with root vegetables. We were looking for a quick lunch. I reheated the lentils in a 10″ saute pan and poached the eggs on top – like a traditional hash. Since then, this recipe has become a stap...
Farmers’ decision-making environment, shaped by norms, cultural values, missing markets for credit, labour and agricultural inputs (Vogel, 2000, Ziervogel and Calder, 2003), influence their ability to use the forecasts to update their management strategies. Based on ethnographic interviews, Crane ...
32. CSSA, Madison, WI.Steiner, J.L., Schneider, J.M., Garbrecht, J.D., Zhang, X.J., 2004. Climate forecasts: emerging potential to reduce dryland farmers' risks. In: Challenges and Strate- gies of Dryland Agriculture, CSSA Spec. Publ. 32. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA, Madison, WI, ...
Provides information on food and culture. Repetition of foodstuffs in a country that is made up of unique geographical, historical and ethnic pockets; Diversity of farmers' markets; Concept of direct marketing.Mad...
In response to the emerging scholarship on farmers markets, as well as the desires of market managers to buttress their decision-making with cogent data analysis, the Farm 2 Facts data collection toolkit was created by the University of Wisconsin-Madison to measure the economic, social, and ...
During an economic crisis, labor markets have been always jolted by financial market turmoil. For instance, during the financial crisis in 2008, the monthly job losses spiked to among the highest on record in America [40]. Similarly, during the COVID-19 pandemic, both small and large business...
USDA. Cotton: World Markets and Trade; United States Department of Agriculture: New York, NY, USA, 2022; p. 29. Filintas, A.; Nteskou, A.; Katsoulidi, P.; Paraskebioti, A.; Parasidou, M. Rainfed and Supplemental Irrigation Modelling 2D GIS Moisture Rootzone Mapping on Yield and Se...
In fact, nearly all the respondents to the key informant interviews and focus group discussions spoke about the lack of support from Jatropha companies for infrastructural development in their communities. They said that all the promises the companies made regarding school buildings, clinics, markets,...