All registered farmers market admitted in New York State (NYS), whether they are resident or non-resident, active or retired, or practicing law in NYS or anywhere else.
That is also what a market manager needs: a team.And I don’t want to hear how hard it is to manage that team either: if you want to manage a market well, get better at handing work off. It’s a non-negotiable of a successful market. Adding informal advisory groups so that your ...
The substantial nutrition-maize yield tradeoff is not surprising given that maize farmers in the study area rely heavily on their maize output for household consumption and that output market participation is quite limited10. Maize yield received more weight than legume yield. Farmers preferred ...
“a peasant is any person who engages or who seeks to engage alone, or in association with others or as a community, in small-scale agricultural production for subsistence and/or for the market, and who relies significantly, though not necessarily exclusively, on family or household labour and...
The raw data exports in Microsoft Excel were merged by farmer ID and imported to the statistical package SPSS (version 26, IBM, Armonk, NY, USA) for data analysis. Regional units such as the Chinese surface unit “mu” and Chinese currency “Yuan” were converted to hectare (1 mu = ...