Particularly when it comes to climate finance, not enough resources are making it to women, even though women are more likely to invest in their communities in ways that benefit everyone. When women have a voice and social and economic power, they can be tremendous agents of change and help...
sanitation agencies that inspect planting material or produce at country borders; these agents may reject the movement of some SPW infested material, although the cryptic nature of SPW makes detection difficult during border inspections (personal observation). We are unaware of any intra-national quaran...
sanitation agencies that inspect planting material or produce at country borders; these agents may reject the movement of some SPW infested material, although the cryptic nature of SPW makes detection difficult during border inspections (personal observation). We are unaware of any intra-national quaran...
I took the second mugging off The Spirit of the Staircase. And the head slapper here gets even more painful when you consider my own reading history. I actuallyknowjust enough about spies and FBI agents to fake it; e.g. I can use dead drop, brush pass and false...
()TkanbloewS2le).dge of the state of arable proIdnuacdtdioitnioinn, athreansdtuodmyssuitreve(ydeocfl2in0i0nsgm, satlla-gscnaalentfaorrmiinncgrehaosuinsegh)o; ladnsdw(a2s) ckonnodwucleteddg.eSionfcaenthdisuse of variosutus daydahpastafotiuornreospeatirocnhssittoesc, o50pequwesit...
This research shows, among other things, that the influence of peers ('buzz agents') is large and has already been harnessed in both marketing and public policy. One important result of our review, particularly in the context of soil management, is the decisiveness of 'goodness of fit'. ...
]s are not only double agents but triple agents also working for the Chinese. Oleg and I then conspire to burn the untrustworthy and incompetent.None of the above happened because The Spirit of the Staircase threw a serious left hook catching me on the right mandibular joint. So far, I’...
Participatory models [29], agent-based modelling [23], and scenario planning [30] have been proposed as possible avenues to help agents 'muddle through' this quagmire. 1.2. Case Description The district of Kodagu in the Western Ghats (India) is located in a major biodiversity hotspot [31]....
Several control strategies that include cultural practices, biological control agents (parasitoids), chemical and microbial insecticides (entomopathogenic fungi), and a range of post-harvest sanitation practices have been conducted to manage CBB around the world. In addition, sampling methods including the...