This is a beautiful market in a child friendly, dog friendly, picnic friendly park. Covid changes: Consider pre-ordering from vendors (; no curbside pickup at this time; enter market at corner of Rantoul Street and Broadway; sign up for the e...
It might also see that younger shoppers are not coming to the market and therefore conclude that focusing its efforts on attracting older benefit program shoppers (especially at first) might be a strategic move. If the market has a great many low-income shoppers using FMNP coupons already, the...
Oh, and the whole pushing-a-dog-in-a-stroller phenomenon? I will never understand that. Many people will argue that farmer’s markets are actually more expensive than grocery stores : “I can buy carrots cheaper at Winco!” While this may be true, it misses the point. At least in my...
When I travel the Thruway and need to stop to fill up or grab a drink, I always support the farmers. I feel like it's shopping and supporting locals. I will pick up some fruits or vegetables, whatever is in season, and then stock up on maple candy and maple cream. That's my favo...
Make Friends With the Farm Dog Credit: Host Lucie via Airbnb Make Friends With the Farm Dog You can also become best friends with the farm dog, Carmen, while you're there but I don't believe that counts as one of the 5 tasks, sorry!
Buyers and sellers rejoice as it has been announced that a very popular farmers' market is returning to Orange County this season.
Throughout the summer, Rochester, Minnesota has multiple farmers markets each week. And now, their mid-week market has moved to a new downtown location.
They started a brand new mini-market in South Lubbock that will be held every Wednesday for people to come out and enjoy more products.
You may know Michele as the author of the excellent report:Food Stamps: Follow the Money, and the bookAppetite for Profit: How the Food Industry Undermines Our Health and How to Fight Backand as president ofEat Drink Politics, a watchdog consulting group. ...
I'm naive to being reliant on market prices. But, there seems to be now more than ever, a gamble that's gotta be different from the days of spring wheat and winter wheat. I have never once driven a tractor across a field...even if you haven't either, you've come this far so ...