he looked down on the valley a couple hundred meters below and to the Alps towering thousands of meters above. He spoke of his experiences applying for government grants and subsidies to support his small-scale farm holding. Like every other small...
This satisfies the short-term benefit demands of present-biased preference farmers, leading to a higher WTP. Farmers generally prioritize short-term benefits65, especially in developing countries, where pursuing short-term benefits may prevent them from investing in cultivated land protection66 while ...
In response, the lower house in the Dutch parliament asked for an external committee of experts, including Rabbinge, to advise the government. Rabbinge and his colleagues proposed reviving the system of mineral bookkeeping. The government rejected it. ...
Due to China's long-standing urban–rural divide, urban inhabitants may readily enjoy public supporting resources such as medical care, education, parks, entertainment, and shopping, but farmers' demands and aspirations for a better life would go unfulfilled for a long time. At the moment, our...
The farmers have marched back to Delhi with their demands, for which they sat on roads leading to the national capital with their tractors converted into cabins for close 13 months in 2020-21 in the chilling months of winter. The protest is to nudge the govt to fulfill their demands of wh...
This could be because economic crops such as vegetables, traditional Chinese medicinal herbs, and melons place higher demands on the land environment and soil quality, farmers have stronger functional and emotional attachments to land, and a strong sense of responsibility has been developed through ...
Pig farming has changed in Europe in the last decades (and, more recently, in other regions) to meet consumer demands and legislation. As discussed earlier, personal characteristics related to cultural and economic realities and experience with husbandry practices and systems can have a profound ...
Gold will get her Washington. Along the way she meets several characters. The Tin Man. He represents the industrial worker whose heart has been torn out by the evils of factory work and industrialism. The Scare Crow. This is how the farm worker is seen, without a brain. The Cowardly Lion...
European Union (EU) farm ministers have started discussion on ways to increase farmers' incomes. It relates the response of France and Germany to the demands of dairy farmers. Due to international protest, EU has tried to drop farm subsidies which angered European farmers....
Although farmers and advisors demonstrated that they are paying attention to public and market demands, by recognizing that animal welfare and product quality are important on an ideal dairy farm, they rarely referenced the use of antibiotics and hormones. The fact that only 4 advisors commented on...