For many years, Michiganders have turned to theFarmers' Almanacfor predictions on the state's weather. However, if there's one thing that is hard to predict, it's Michigan's wild weather patterns. If the Farmers' Almanac is correct in its prediction this year, we're in for a not-so-...
Farmers’ Almanac winter weather forecast calls for a season of rapid-fire storms that will bring both rain and snow, with little downtime in between. Brace yourself for a Wet Winter Whirlwind! Here is everything you need to know about the extended weather forecast, including an important wint...
Michigan, Illinois, and Ohio) will likely have snow at the beginning of April. As for Minnesota and Iowa, that's not the forecast right now but with the prediction being cool with above-normal precipitation I guess you never know. This is a case where I hope the Old Farmer's Almanac i...
Winter weather 2023-2024, meteorologically speaking (December 2023-February 2024), ranked as the warmest on record for the contiguous US, with the average temperature hovering around 37.6°F, which is 5.4°F more than usual. North Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan, New York, Vermont...
The Farmer's Almanac says the reason behind what they believe we could be dealing with this winter is something you've likely heard about before and happens thousands of miles away near the equator. Does the term, El Niño ring a bell? If it doesn't or it does, but you're not quit...
Gardening by the Moon (according to thephases of the Moon) is an ancient concept anda fundamental part of theFarmers’ Almanacphilosophy.For over 200 years, our print editions have included a Planting Calendar that uses phases and position of the Moon to predict the best times to perform speci...
One location that does offer this necessary mix of frozen and unfrozen is the chilly shores of the Great Lakes. While it typically gets cold enough for freshwater in Lakes Superior, Erie, and Michigan to freeze, they rarely freeze entirely thanks to their vast size....
We’re in northern lower Michigan 0 Reply Jim Jordan 5 months ago Just saw Hummingbird moth in our backyard in Raynham Mass 0 Reply BoredCrafter 5 months ago Love them! They’re so cool! 0 Reply Val 5 months ago Hummingbird moths 0 Reply Pj Jns 5 months ago Few ...
In various places along the Great Lakes, you can also sometimes see mirages of cities or parts of the coastline. The Canadian coast has mysteriously appeared to residents of Buffalo, New York during a Fata Morgana event and flying ships have been seen from places like Marquette, Michigan. ...