The article discusses the Farmer-to-Farm Program of the U.S. nonprofit organization Volunteers for Economic Growth Alliance (VEGA). It states that the program assist coffee growers who are facing serous problems with coffee rust. It mentions that the program assist agricultural industries increase ...
Specialty coffee beans directly from the farmer. Fairness, sustainability and premium quality for a great value. A true labor of love!
最近和朋友约了个午饭局,没想到她公司楼下转角就是我心心念念的Farmer Coffee!真是得来全不费功夫啊!这家店的复古绿和logo上的那顶帽子真是让我一见钟情,特别喜欢。有时间的话,不妨来Farmer Coffee坐坐,忙里偷闲,放松一下~饭后解渴时间,我点了他们家的招牌Dirty污啡。很多人推荐这个,我也忍不住试了一下。...
生活需要一点绿意,快乐也会随之而来!秋天的第一杯冰美式咖啡,就是Farmer Coffee带来的!这家店位于地铁站纪念堂站附近,对面是一家大宾馆,位置非常显眼。小小的店铺设计非常舒适,以绿色为主色调的田园风格与店名完美契合。坐在门外,可以感受老城区的市井气息;坐在店内,则是另一种不同的风格,真是让人流连忘返!☕...
说真的要认真的喝起咖啡来,我还真喝不出有什么不同的风味,像我这种不喝咖啡的人觉得普通的厄连锁咖啡就挺可以的了,因为我对咖啡的唯一要求就是提神。朋友喜欢不同的咖啡,像这种小店,一般咖啡师都是很有品位的,所以值得一试。 pic_cover: dotSource: ...
Specialty coffee beans directly from the farmer. Fairness, sustainability and premium quality for a great value. A true labor of love!
Farmer Coffee 咖啡农夫请放松 放青松 RELAX 解放北路墨绿色调Farmer Coffee 咖啡农夫,小小的门面,望了一眼室内空间也小小的就没进,门前摆着小木桌和墨绿色的小椅子坐着也挺舒服。 早上的第一杯Dirty,豆子...
We partner directly with small-scale coffee farmers around the globe to bring the best fair trade and organic beans back to our roastery. ANEI – Association of Indigenous & Campesino Agroecological Producers of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta ...
3.The poor farmer had to pay for both what he ate and __the things___around him. 4.The poor farmer wanted to have another cup of coffee and some cakes as he wanted to pay only for __coffee___and _cakes___this time. 5.At last the farmer had _two___cups of coffee and some...
在繁忙的广州,找到一片宁静的角落并不容易。Farmer Coffee就像是一座小岛,为忙碌的人们提供了一个放松的场所。位置非常好找,位于临街店铺,主要以外卖为主。虽然店面不大,但每一个细节都充满了设计感。🎄 圣诞节的温馨装饰 随着圣诞节的临近,店家特意摆放了一棵圣诞树作为装饰,营造出一种温馨的氛围。墨绿色的基调...