Visitors at Mount Vernon saw many faces there, but only a few were white faces, the rest were those of black slaves. On each farm stood a village of wooden huts, where turbaned mammies crooned and piccaninnies gamboled in the sunshine. The cooks, the house servants, the coachmen, the ...
B.In Jacks schoolbag. C.Next to Jack’s T-shirt. D.Next to Jack’s schoolbag. 2022-11-02更新|106次组卷 纠错详情加入试题篮 阅读理解-单选(约400词)|适中 (0.65) 文章大意:本文是《金银岛》中的一个故事情节,主人公遇到了海盗,主人公是怎样使得其中一个海盗帮助自己的。