13 January 202511:15AM Created by xc333222 Uploaded by xc333222 Virus scan Safe to use Content Patcher Version 1.6 Compatible Tag this mod Description Files1 Images2 Videos0 Posts3 Bugs0 Logs Stats About this mod Added a farm on the map of Japan ...
Farm Type Manager (FTM) is a framework that lets other mods spawn objects and monsters anywhere in the game, with various controls and customization options.
在N网上看到一个FarmTypeManager(农场管理)mod,想用这个mod在自己修改的农场地图上面每天产生矿石和大树桩,按照这个mod的解释设置了好多次,还是不行,有没有哪位大佬能看下这个mod怎么用? 先谢谢了,这个是N网地址(3231) https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/3231 送TA礼物 来自Android客户端1楼2019-...
Farm Type Manager This mod allows players and modders to customize features from Stardew Valley's different farm maps. It can spawn forageable plants, large objects (e.g. stumps and boulders), ore, and monsters at any location in the game. Users can configure the number of objects spawned ...
Use the new button in your ingame options menu to change the farm type. Please backup your savefile at%appdata%\StardewValley\Saves This mod was intended to be used in SinglePlayer; You can always host your multiplayer session afterwards. ...
For this mod you will need content patcher and Farm Type Manager. Make sure content patcher and FTM are in the mods folder and drop this mod into the mods folder too. Depending on how you play, you may need to select the right arrow on the farm selector for the character creation ...
MEGA Dinosaur Mayonnaise Farm! - Stardew Valley 1.4 Money Tips海蒂伍德斯通 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多3 -- 14:50 App Showcasing All NEW Stardew Valley 1.4 Quality of Life Changes! 6 -- 22:14 App Harvest Moon meets Plants Vs. Zombies! - Windy Kingdom | Beta 4 --...
Mod Settings These settings are in theconfig.jsonfile, which is in the mod's main folder:Stardew Valley\Mods\FarmTypeManager. They change the behavior of the mod itself, rather than a specific farm or content pack. NameValid settingsDescription ...
A new farm type Forest Forage Respawning stumps A custom starting house layout Forest Fish available in the bottom left pond if the "pond" option is selected Config Layout: Changes the body of water on the bottom left of the farm; choose between "stream" or "pond." The ...