Fall in Middle Tennessee means hillsides bursting with brilliantly colored leaves and the opening of lots of farms across the mid-state where families can navigate corn mazes, pick pumpkins, play outside and pose for fall photos. Take a road trip and discover some new rural Tennesse...
Our aim is to grow as much of the food we consume as we can. In the time from our arrival to now we have brought under cultivation nearly one hundred acres. We’ve purchased two old tractors, rebuilt one, got a hold of a bush and bog, a two-row planter, a transplanter and cultiv...
E-FARM is a digital marketplace specializing in used agricultural equipment within the farming sector. The company offers a platform for buying and selling used farm machinery, including tractors, combines, balers, and more, with services such as online auctions, machine inspections, and Europe-wid...
tractors 1 trade 2 trading 1 traditional 15 traditional Icelandic 4 traffic 38 traffic sign 27 trail 4 trailers 1 train 21 train engine 2 train station 11 training 10 trains 1 trans 3 transport 102 transportation 456 transportation structure 2 TRANSPORTATION STRUCTURES 6...
Click image for source. My goodness! How did the waterways survive before we shot all those horrible buffalo? What we need are more tractors! We need to rip the soil so the rain will wash it away. Put that stuff in the Gulf of Mexico where it belongs! By golly, God gave us a crat...