We have been growing garlic for over 30 years, and have the great advantage of a climate that allows us to grow most varieties well. All the garlic we offer is USA-grown in the Applegate Valley of Southern Oregon, and we only grow and sell garlic seed from varieties that perform well ...
I have (100 acres) land in Thailand and in (80 acres) Portland, Oregon, USA. Anyone want to join-venture with me please email me: mosotimber@gmail.com. I am thinking, I will use my land you supply the plants and supplies to get it going and share the future profit. Keiji Oshima...
Community supported agriculture in California, Oregon and Washington: challenges and opportunities. California Institute for Rural Studies: Davis; 2004. Google Scholar Lyson TA. Civic agriculture: reconnecting farm, food, and community. Lebanon: Univesity Press of New England; 2004. Google Scholar ...