Reasonable agricultural water cannon rain gun sprinkler used big gun sprinklers and uniformity, avoid surface runoff and deep leakage losses, so that the utilization rate of water is greatly improved, generally than ground irrigation water saving 30 to 50%, saving water ...
Male Thread 360 Degree Butterfly Rotor Sprinkler Watering for Park Lawn Watering Irrigation US$0.34-0.40 / Piece G-Type 180 Degree Refraction Sector Micro Misting Sprinklers 7.5mm Interface Garden Irrigation Agriculture Lawn Watering Nozzl...
1.This series can be equipped with different flow rates and spray diameters micro sprinklers. It can achieve saving water, saving fertilizer and saving energy. 2.The micro-sprinkler assembly is made of high-quality materials that are resistant to UV a...
Male Thread 360 Degree Butterfly Rotor Sprinkler Watering for Park Lawn Watering Irrigation US$0.34-0.40 / Piece G-Type 180 Degree Refraction Sector Micro Misting Sprinklers 7.5mm Interface Garden Irrigation Agriculture Lawn Watering Nozzles US$0.04-0.08...
500 acre-feet of adjudicated water rights to be conveyed with the sale. Pump stations along the river provide water for sprinklers, flood, and drip irrigation systems. Much of the drip system is new and has been installed in the last few years. Improvements on...
The property has 5,500 acre-feet of adjudicated water rights to be conveyed with the sale. Pump stations along the river provide water for sprinklers, flood, and drip irrigation systems. Much of the drip system is new and has been installed in the last few y...
This is kind of irrigation system that is based on an overhead sprinkler. It utilizes different kinds such as sprays, sprinklers as well as guns and these are permanently positioned on surface of a riser. Additionally you can have your own irrigation company to assist you install the irrigation...
River and bore well can be the water resource of the fixed point, the water transports through main pipes and sprinklers, finally applied to the field. The advantage of this irrigation system is to use less labor and water to irrigate 13-130ha from one water fe...
Swing Wobbler Sprinklers Oscillating Sprinkler Irrigation Sprinkler US$0.76-1.20 / Piece Brand High Quality Hot Sale Xcel Wobbler Agricultural Irrigation System Sprinkler US$0.76-1.20 / Piece Low-Angle Irrigation Agricultural Forest Farm Wobbling Sprinkler US$0.76-1.20 / Piece ...
River and bore well can be the water resource of the fixed point, the water transports through main pipes and sprinklers, finally applied to the field. The advantage of this irrigation system is to use less labor and water to irrigate 13-130ha from one water fee...