The model chain in SEAMLESS (Van Ittersum and others 2008); APES Agricultural Production and Externalities Simulator, a cropping system model; FSSIM-AM Farm Systems SIMulator-Agricultural Management; FSSIM-MP FSSIM-Mathematical Programming; EXPAMOD EXtraPolation and Aggregation MODel, a regional econome...
The distribution of the chains determines the movement of the OPs in the plane of the rotor, and each OP interacts with others via wake modeling. The simulator also takes into account the time it takes for the wake to reach the downstream wind turbine [15]. FLORIDyn simulations can be ...
[8,9]. Simulation models such as DSSAT(Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer) and APSIM(Agricultural Production Systems sIMulator) showed that agricultural production, especially maize production, was expected to be dramatically reduced by the year 2055 if the current trend of the ...