Berries manager Recruitup Gingin WA Manage blueberry farm operations, harvest planning, and team leadership Experience in horticultural crop management, irrigation, and financial acumen Ensure compliance, liaise with stakeholders, and work during peak seasons Posted 3 months agoSave Don't miss out! We...
BJCE Australia’s Leo Pearce (Asset Manager) and Isabel Nelson (Community Engagement Officer) recently zoomed into Goulburn High’s Year 8 STEM class to give the students some insight into the workings of their local wind and solar farms. As part of the ‘virtual’ visit, Leo showed the stu...
She was Eastern Ontario and Western Quebec Sales Manager for Speare Seeds and has been involved in several major capacities with Hunco Farms Limited, including the role of assistant manager. Londa has been a member of the Master Feeds Dealer Council. She has been on the Board of Directors, ...
According to the National Farmers Federation, the complete agricultural supply chain, including the affiliated food and fibre industries, provide over 1.6 million jobs to the Australian economy. Agriculture, however, is one of the least digitised sectors in Australia....
Stockyard Hill Wind Farm Investment Delivery Manager, Mr Justin Howes, said the milestone was significant and marked the end of all over-dimensional component deliveries. “The final over-dimensional delivery was a tower component from Keppel Price Engineering based in south-western Victoria who locall...
TransGrid, the owner and manager of the NSW transmission network, will build the new onsite substation for thesolar farm. In 2021, Microsoft signed a 15-year power purchase agreement (PPA) with FRV Australia. After the facility becomes operational, FRV Australia will provide renewable energy from...
you have the choice SprayScout has been designed to be the best on the market for featured machine without having to worry about how it’s going of 360 or 600L in a a compact, versatile UTV spray unit that maximises use of these to fit,” Rapid Spray sales manager Russell Firth ...
It really puts a bad taste in my mouth when the top land manager Richard Scott of Buccleuch, and Mark Oddy mineral person comes out against a wind farm near The Hermitage Castle and people perceive you both as liars. No wonder when your truthfulness is being turned into to lies, you do...
There is an implementation gap between government plans and land-use changes at the local level in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta. This stands in the way of the sustainable development of the delta, especially in the face of environmental degradation, clima
2017), the emergence of the ‘farmer-manager’ role undertaken by male farmers and the ‘directed worker’ role undertaken largely by women is evident. What is also apparent, and the argument that this paper develops, is that there appears to be a significant increase in women’s work hours...