Basic overviews of each investment:When you click on an investment through your FarmTogether profile, you’ll receive a simple summary of the farm’s lease structure, acreage, produce, risks and more. You can also dig into trends in agtech, sustainable and regenerative ag and more. Most inve...
lease agreement. 41% of those renting land outlined that a short-term lease term can be demotivating. All of these factors influence the compliance of a tenant with the terms of a lease agreement (Marks-Bielska, 2021) which is likely to discourage the landowner from renewing a contract and ...
conjugation- a class of verbs having the same inflectional forms denomination- a class of one kind of unit in a system of numbers or measures or weights or money; "he flashed a fistful of bills of large denominations" histocompatibility complex- a family of fifty or more genes on the sixth...
before you sign any binding agreements, in particular ensure that any estimates of future profits are realistic. In addition be sure to put down in the agreement all responsibilities of both parties, including who is responsible for which costs (e.g. rates, services, insurances, cost of ...
letting on building lease or building agreement [...] [...] 任何土地及/或樓宇,尤其為建築目的透過設計及平整而建設、改建、拆卸、 裝飾、管理、維護、裝修、裝置及改善各類樓宇,栽種、鋪平、排污、養殖、耕作、根據樓宇租約或建築協議出租或出售,及就上述任何項目向建築...
circumstances beyond our control, we shall not be responsible and shall incur no liability in relation thereto and our failure to execute the Promotion as planned and/or fulfill our obligations under the Rules as a result thereof shall not be deemed a breach of the Rules or this Agreement. ...
so please kindly send me info on solar projects if we can lease our land to any company. right now we have 300 hundred acres in shelbourne ont ca and we recently got 1 wind turbine on one of our farm its 22 year lease agreement. we are interested in solar project. please contact ...
2. You entered into a contract for recurring payments—for this reason, your information will be processed on an as-needed basis to uphold the agreement; 3. Performance of a contract—if you are obligated to pay or perform an action, and you fail, we reserve the right to share necessary...
At Skjold [Ed note:pronounce schond] the piece of armor called a shield, is used as a place name. Most frequently, names of this kind refer to open, flat or round forms in the landscape. Guesses have been made as to where the "shield" could have been on this farm: was it the wi...
Studies have shown that the land confirmation will accelerate the development of the land transfer market [21], as the mature land market development and stable market lease will increase the liquidity of the land use right [22,23], promote the non-farm employment of the rural labor force [...