Although Australia’s identity as a land of drought and flooding rains is captured in Dorothea Mackellar’s (1911) century-old poem, My Country, recent climatic events are unprecedented. Major floods devastated vast areas of rural Queensland, as well as its State capital Brisbane in 2010-11, ...
Another 1000 Jobs for North Queensland With World-first Land-based Sustainable Lobster FarmThe world’s only land-based Tropical Rock Lobster farm is set to be established in North Queensland, bringing a jobs bonanza to the region. Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk said Australi...
Saturday 26 October from 6pm to 10pm Our first go at hosting a Country Dance at the... read more Our farm on film Tommerup’s Dairy farm is proud to have been featured on ABC’s Landline and to have worked with the popular Royal Queensland Show – Ekka....
BLM mulls lease of 14K acres in Colo. for mining The Bureau of Land Management is moving forward with environmental reviews for the potential leasing of more than 14,000 acres of federal land in western Colorado for coal mining. CAM Colorado LLC, a unit of Rhino Resource Partners LP, i.....
properties in the area closed on August 12, and Landmark was still awaiting instructions from the vendor.The sale of the property would be a relief to nearby farmers, who had contacted Bundaberg Fruit and Vegetable Growers (BFVG) with concerns over a build-up of pests on the abandoned ...
The loosening of regulation in Queensland and NSW has led to an explosion of land clearing for cropping and grazing that will yield short-term profits but eventually degrade the land, increase erosion and the run-off of fertiliser and chemical-laden water into streams and, in the case of No...
Have land in Hawaii I want to start a cocoa farm..looking for help. tajudeen shittu said on November 22, 2011 thanks fellow business cocoa farmers my Name is Tajudeen shittu from nigeria from west part of the county where cocoa plantation had been the main source of income before discover ...
The red claw crayfish (Cherax quadricarinatus), referred to throughout the rest of this fact sheet simply by its Australian synonym "redclaw", is a tropical species native to the rivers of north-west Queensland and the Northern Territory in Australia. Although well known to the local inhabitants...
hello. i am looking for a realistic opinion on how viable a business of growing Bamboo in Victoria, Vancouver island, Britsh Columbia, Canada would be. note: we have 7 acres of land that had fir trees grown on it but have since been harvested off. now we have bare soil on those acres...
The only significant drop off was in Queensland 40-100hp sector was solid again, up 6 per cent and continues to which, after a number of positive months, dropped 15 per cent perform strongly. for the month but remains 7 per cent up on last year. By contrast, sales of larger ...