Jim has been involved with Ontario Apple Marketing Commission from 1969-2001 as a Director, Committeeman and Chairman. For seven years he was Chairman of the Prince Edward County Land Division Committee, a ten year member of Rotary, and served in 2006 as its President. Jim has been a board...
The Lodge at Chaa Creek’s 33 acre Maya Organic Farm in Belize’s Macal River Valley produces fruits, vegetables, herbs, flowers, local dairy and meat products in soils that have an abundance of organic matter and natural nutrients. Traditional Maya farming is used with more advanced systems o...
along with all the rest of his Portuguese-influenced recipes - are immortal, but his Baked Stuffed Cod is the best. The whole Cape area has lots of Portuguese descended from the visiting Cod fishermen (Emeril, from Fall River, is one.) Interesting fellow,Mitcham.Highly productive in his life...