Take that to a vegan extreme, and that list would include egg birds and milk animals. You might get somebody keeping the odd animal as a pet, but it wouldn’t be enough to continue the breeds. That isn’t a far-fetched scenario either, because it’s happened in the past, and even ...
The trip was nothing short of miraculous from the friends who volunteered to care for my covey of pets in Tennessee to family and friends who opened their homes and hearts during my visit. Most had not seen me in decades. When I left with my husband in 1989, the Greater Seattle populatio...
eHveorw, wevheern, wchoemnbcinominbginminagnymadnifyfedriefnfetretynpt etyspoefs odfadtaatfarofrmomddififfefreernent tssyysstteemmss,, tthhee iinntteeggrraattiioonnaanndd ppreresseenntatatitoionnooffththeeddaatataisischchaalllelenngginingg. .TThheeffaarrmmeerrssfifninddititeeaassieierrtoto...