Become a member by joining your local Farm Bureau. As a member, you can participate in the organization's activities and initiatives, such as advocacy efforts, educational programs, and community service projects.
Missouri Farm Bureau is proud to offer you member-only discounts and corporate rates on everything from pizza and the zoo, to movie tickets, car rentals, and hotels!
Two organizations I am active with are providing resources on their websites. I recommend you read these pages from Missouri Farmers Care (Background on Missouri Farming Rights AmendmentandFarming Rights Frequently Asked Questions) and Missouri Farm Bureau (Keep Missouri Farming,Amendment #1 Q&A Sheet...
Celia Nyssens, senior policy officer for agriculture and food systems at the European Environmental Bureau, says a key concern among some policymakers was whether such schemes would be subsidised “well enough so that farmers pick them up. We often see that unambitious [measures] pay more than ...
Since it’s passage Prop 12 has been under constant threat from the meat industry, as the improved welfare standards mean increased costs for chicken, pig and veal producers. In 2019 The National Pork Producers Council (NPPC) and the American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) sued, claiming ...
Former President of the Missouri Farm Bureau, Blake Hurst is a grain and greenhouse farmer in north west Missouri who had found local labor sufficient since the 1980s. Times have changed, maybe permanently and our Farm To Table Talk story begins with Blake meeting Carlos and Juan at the ...