2023 Farm BillMid-Term Elections Loom Large Over Next Farm Bill Advocacy Although agriculture issues will likely not be top of mind for voters in the upcoming midterm elections this November, the outcomes of this election cycle will certainly influence farm policy in a big way. Congress has ...
In such instances, a simple majority of the members present, and voting would be sufficient for a bill to pass. This number could potentially be less than 218 votes, depending on the specific circumstances.) The amendment struck provisions repealing three of the five biofuel-related tax credits...
Future of Organic Workshops: In the lead up to the 2023 farm bill, OTA has engaged with members and stakeholders to gain insight and feedback on key policy priorities for the organic sector. OTA partnered with Arizona State University to host a series of four workshops on the future of orga...
BGOV OnPoint: Lawmakers Lay Out Priorities for 2023 Farm Bill.Lauren TurenchalkMaeve SheeheyEnvironment & Energy Report
“The federal farm bill impacts every Pennsylvania farmer in some way. It’s crucial our voices are heard as our federal lawmakers go about putting together the 2023 federal farm bill,” said Schwank. “Today’s hearing laid out very neatly...
Five years ago, Congress used the farm bill to legalize hemp production, creating a booming industry but leaving gaping legal loopholes around interstate commerce and derivative cannabis products. Now, advocates in the cannabis industry and lawmakers ar
Negotiations over a package of market relief assistance for farmers reached an impasse Saturday after Democratic leaders rejected the latest GOP proposal, and several major farm groups called on lawmakers to oppose a stopgap spending bill if the economic aid is omitted.Read More House...
In 2018, the Farm Bill –the comprehensive food and agriculture legislation that Congress updates every five years – directed only 0.1% (about $0.5 billion) of its $428 billion budget to organic-specific programs over five years.1 Learn more about OTA's 2023 Farm Bill Priorities below. _...
part of the Farm Bill reauthorization process. All members of the Committee have been invited to participate as well as the California Congressional delegation.A list of confirmed attendees will be provided in the coming days. Check the event listing atbit.ly/WAE23FarmBillSession...
I’m alsocontinuing my work with the Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association (OEFFA) on the Agriculture Resiliency Act. This marker bill for the 2023 Farm Bill draws attention to issues and efforts that can help make agriculture more sustainable, for people and the planet. This includes the...