This is a farewell (送别) poem that was written by poet Wang Bo who was born in 650. He wrote it to say goodbye to his friend who went to Sichuan province to work. The third sentence is so famous that people will say it when they say goodbye to each other.”可知,这首诗是王勃...
A Farewell (告别) SongWang Wei①No dust (灰尘) is raised on the road wet with morning▲.②The willows (柳树) by the hotel look so fresh and green.③I invite you to drink a cup of wine again.④West of the sunny pass no more friends will be seen.(Translated by Xu Yuanchong) With...
WangBo's"farewelltoprefectDu",WuWeiye's"friends"and soonissenttoZhaojunfriendship. Second,apoemorthemindclearventtohisindignation.This kindofpoemisoftendifficultindistressontheoccasionof thepoettowrite,theyoftenarenotuncommon.Seetheworks, suchasWangChangling,"naturaltalent"willnotbeusedby ...
Send to friends a poem, full of emotion, are due to bid farewell to Du Fu. This go to Seoul never willingly, such as clothes. (the May East Lu for a Wenshang Weng). Li Baichu to Yanzhou, had to make such a confession, in order to realize the idea, willing to turn like ...
"Sendtofriends"apoem,fullofemotion,areduetobid farewelltoDuFu."ThisgotoSeoulneverwillingly,suchas clothes."(the"MayEastLuforaWenshangWeng").LiBaichu toYanzhou,hadtomakesuchaconfession,inordertorealize theidea,willingtoturnlikefloatingpengcao,roaming."A ...
4.According to the poem, which of the following is true?A. It was rainy when Li said farewell to Liu. B. It was spring when Li said farewell to Liu. C. Li was happy when writing the poem. D. Li and Liu were good friends....
根据“In ancient China, willow branches (柳树枝) were often used as a parting gift between friends and family members.”可知,柳枝经常被用作朋友和家人之间的离别礼物。故选B。 (2)题详解: 词句猜测题。根据“And it tells them you hope they will easily adapt to their new living environment.”...
题目Friendship is one of the most wonderful parts of human life.Friends share in your happiness as you make achievements.When you feel blue,they will be the sunshine to warm your heart and bring you laughter.With its universal significance,the theme of friendship is quite p...
river,thebridge,theedgeofthewell,nexttothepavilion, plantingtreesscenery,willowhasaverywiderange.Thewillow branches,lushwhirling,longbreakisnotbad,BookofSongs, have"brokenfangarden"ofthepoem.Farewelltorelativesand friends,totheentrance,orbridge,orbank,orthelengthof ...
Voyage of life and bidding goodbye to ones friends and relatives at the time of departure in a loving way.lamp that lit the dark corner is gone. wonderful poem that speaks volume of catholicity of the place and its people. 3 1 Reply ParameswaranNair Damidaran Nair 06 October 2018 Wh...