Peking Opera: Farewell My Concubine(霸王别姬) bàwánɡbiéjī shì jīnɡjù yìshù dàshī Méilánfānɡ biǎoyǎnde méipài jīnɡdiǎnmínɡjù zhīyī. zhǔjuéshì xīchǔbàwánɡ xiànɡyǔde àifēi yújī. 霸王别姬是京剧艺术大师梅兰芳表演的梅派经典名剧之一。主角是西楚霸王项羽的爱妃...
赢秦无道把江山破,英雄四路起干戈,自古常言不欺我,成败兴亡一刹那,宽心饮酒宝帐坐,且听军情报如何。 Farewell My Concubine (Chinese: 霸王别姬, Pinyin: "bà wánɡ bié jī") is a Chinese Peking Opera. A more literal translation of the Chinese title is The Hegemon King says Farewell to his Qu...
Farewell My Concubine (Chinese: 霸王别姬, Pinyin: "bà wánɡ bié jī") is a Chinese Peking Opera. A more literal translation of the Chinese title is The Hegemon King says Farewell to his Queen. The play tells the story of Xiang Yu, the self-styled "Hegemon-King of Western Chu" wh...
Farewell My Concubine (Chinese: 霸王别姬, Pinyin: "bà wánɡ bié jī") is a Chinese Peking Opera. A more literal translation of the Chinese title is The Hegemon King says Farewell to his Queen. The play tells the story of Xiang Yu, the self-styled "Hegemon-King of Western Chu" wh...
When a staging of the famous Chinese opera “Farewell My Concubine” performed by the Shanghai Peking Opera Company (SPOC) sold out at Princeton University, Jianping Mei, a 1990 graduate, had a big idea. He wondered if there were enough Princeton students interested in studying Peking Opera ...
B When a staging of the famous Chinese opera"Farewell My Concubine " performe d by the Shanghai Peking Oper a Company(SPOC) sol d out at Princeton University, Jianping Mei, a 1990graduate, ha d a big idea. He wondere d if there were enough Princeton students intereste d in studying ...
Farewell My Concubine: All the World’s a Stage Chen Kaige’s sweeping epic chronicles the history of twentieth-century China through the story of two childhood friends, contrasting the unchanging traditions of their Beijing-opera milieu with the nation’s swift and turbulent transformation. By ...
The traditional opera calledFarewell My Concubinewill be performed at the hall of the city theatre at 7 p.m. on December 20th. Meanwhile, some famous Peking Opera performers coming from Beijing will join in the performance, which will surely make the audience excited. I’m certain that not ...
Knowing that you are interested in Peking Opera, I'm writing to invite you to watch it with me.The traditional opera called Farewell My Concubine will be performed at the hall of the city theatre at 7 p.m. on December 20th. Meanwhile, some famous Peking Opera performers coming from ...