每次看到其它部门同事的farewell letter,不管曾经有过交道与否,总是会被那真情的告别信打动,我想无论离开是开心的,还是悲伤的,say goodbye那一刻每个人都是发自内心的真情流露吧,有的同事为一个公司整整奋斗了有7,8年有余,最终还是离去,,,一周7天,5天是在公司度过,同事相处的时间甚至远远多于与家人的相处,...
When writing such letters, you should be warm and warm, and be more polite, especially between private friends. Formal farewell is precise and standardized. The contents include: Expressing farewell; Looking back on the cooperation and friendship established in the past. Best wishes to each other...
Letter #1After eight years of working with some of the finest and most talented people in the industry, I have decided to move on and accept a position with Doe Corporation. I must admit that Jane's and my desire to be near our families in Kansas influenced our decision. I have asked ...
一、学习目标LearntheformatofAClaimLetter;KnowusefulexpressionsoftheletteronAClaimLetter;FindwaystoimproveyourwritingskillsaboutLettersonAClaimLetter;BefamiliarwithrelevantwordsandexpressionsaboutwritingAClaimLetter. 二、教学重点与难点重点WritingSkillsaboutLettersonAClaimLetter索赔信的写作技巧难点ParaphraseinWriting写作改...