Bestfar CW灯具 3.3V供电、mesh组网,板载天线,5路PWM,贴片RGB-CW灯具 Bestfar物联节能灯(Bestfar IOT Lighting)实现2大功能:“节能”--- 实现“人来灯亮,人走灯灭”“场景”---实现智慧照明,并拥有简洁直观、功能强大的应用平台,广泛应用于办公楼、停车场,大型园区、仓库、商场等等各种应用领域。智能...
Spinelli, Luis AAtherton, BriggsUSUS6526073 * 1999年12月30日 2003年2月25日 Coherent, Inc. CW far-UV laser system with two active resonatorsUS6526073 1999年12月30日 2003年2月25日 Coherent, Inc. CW far-UV laser system with two active resonators...
The first far-infrared laser (λ0=1.22 and 0.447 mm) scattering experiment in a laboratory plasma is described. cw laser radiation is scattered at large angles (0 °–20 °) from ion acoustic waves launched in a low-density (ne ≃1010 cm−3) plasma thereby allowing detailed comparison ...
摘要: Twenty-one new CW far-infrared laser lines have been observed from the CD3OH molecule pumped by a CO2laser. The wavelengths of these new lines fall in the short wavelength range from 34.5 to 287 μm.关键词: New Development, Experimental/ gas lasers laser transitions optical pumping ...
aMetronet Technology Ltd.. Metronet有限公司技术。[translate] acompositor 作曲家[translate] aStreet Address: CW4, Fareast Industrial City, Yuyao, Zhejiang,China 街道地址: CW4,远东工业市, Yuyao,浙江,中国[translate]
Strumia "High efficiency CW far infrared lasers at 119οm, and 127οm", Appl. Phys. , vol. B48, pp.305 -309 1989N. Ioli , A. Moretti and F. Strumia "High efficiency CW far infrared lasers at 119 $\mu$ m and 127 $\mu$ m", Appl. Phys. ,...
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