‘Faraway Downs’ (Trailer) Baz Luhrmann’s Faraway Downs, a six-part series cut from his 2008 film Australia, expands the story of English aristocrat Lady Sarah Ashley (Nicole Kidman), who travels halfway across the world to confront her wayward husband and sell an unusual asset: Faraway Do...
The newly release six-episode series,Faraway Downs, starsNicole KidmanandHugh Jackmanas an English aristocrat and rugged cattle drover, respectively, who navigate life and love in the Australian Outback at the outset of World World II. If that sounds strangely familiar to you, it's because it'...
The newly release six-episode series,Faraway Downs, starsNicole KidmanandHugh Jackmanas an English aristocrat and rugged cattle drover, respectively, who navigate life and love in the Australian Outback at the outset of World World II. If that sounds strangely familiar to you, it's because it'...
The newly release six-episode series,Faraway Downs, starsNicole KidmanandHugh Jackmanas an English aristocrat and rugged cattle drover, respectively, who navigate life and love in the Australian Outback at the outset of World World II. If that sounds strangely familiar to you, it's because it'...
Faraway Downs: With Shea Adams, Eddie Baroo, Ray Barrett, Tony Barry. An aristocrat, Sarah has a cattle station in Australia. Following the death of her husband, a baron plots to take her land but she joins forces with cattle drover Jackman to protect he
Faraway Downs: With Shea Adams, Eddie Baroo, Ray Barrett, Tony Barry. An aristocrat, Sarah has a cattle station in Australia. Following the death of her husband, a baron plots to take her land but she joins forces with cattle drover Jackman to protect he