(General Physics)physicsthe derived SI unit of electric capacitance; the capacitance of a capacitor between the plates of which a potential of 1 volt is created by a charge of 1 coulomb. Symbol:F [C19: named after Michael Faraday]
фарад + 添加翻译 塞尔维亚文-英文字典 farad noun The SI unit of capacitance with symbol "F". [..] omegawiki 添加示例 在上下文、翻译记忆库中将“farad"翻译成 英文 变形 干 Predsjednik tada ugostio Predsjednik farad u svojoj kolibi. The president then hosted Chairman Farad...
The SI base units of 1 farad are s4 x A2 x m-2 x kg-1. Mathematically, it can be represented like this: 1 F = 1 s4 x A2 / m2 x kg Farad, microfarad, nanofarad, picofarad The farad is an extremely large unit of capacitance. In most electronic and electrical equipment, capacitors...
A farad is a unit used to measurecapacitance. The farad is theSIderived unit for capacitance in the metric system. Farads can be abbreviated asF; for example, 1 farad can be written as 1 F. Background and Origin The farad was named in honor of British scientist Michael Faraday, and the...
farad/ˈfærəd, -æd/ 1. Nthe derived SI unit of electric capacitance; the capacitance of a capacitor between the plates of which a potential of 1 volt is created by a charge of 1 coulomb 法拉; 电容单位 ( symbol: F)[physics]...
The calculable capacitor is a large mechanical capacitor which, through a fundamental theorem of electrostatics, provides the SI realization of the Farad. The comparison of the two capacitors is crucial for the ECCS, both for demonstrating its usefulness as a representation of capacitance, and for ...
began in 1986,istheChinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Acoustics, Departmentof Electricalandtechnical cooperationunit11,the first to introduce, digest, [...] szstrong.cn szstrong.cn 深圳市中科思创超声科技有限公司是中国声学学会、功率超声学会会员企业,始自于1986年,是中科院声学所、机电部11所技术...
You can view more details on each measurement unit: kilofarad or farad The SI derived unit for capacitance is the farad. 1 kilofarad is equal to 1000 farad. Note that rounding errors may occur, so always check the results. Use this page to learn how to convert between kilofarads and ...
the unit of capacitance equal to the capacitance of a capacitor between whose plates there appears a potential of one volt when it is charged by one coulomb of electricity—abbreviation f farad 例句 1.Farad is too large a unit to be used in radio calculation. ...