The article discusses the need to resolve Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) for Part 135 operations. The recommendations of the Aviation Rulemaking Committee (ARC) of the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for flight/rest requirements in Part 135 deal with the challenges of chart flying....
The article discusses the need to resolve Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) for Part 135 operations. The recommendations of the Aviation Rulemaking Committee (ARC) of the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for flight/rest requirements in Part 135 deal with the challenges of chart flying....
FAR/AIM > Federal Aviation Regulations > PART 135—OPERATING REQUIREMENTS: COMMUTER AND ON DEMAND OPERATIONS AND RULES GOVERNING PERSONS ON BOARD SUCH AIRCRAFT > Subpart D—VFR/IFR Operating Limitations and Weather Requirements > § 135.225 IFR: Takeoff, approach and landing minimums. § 135.225 IF...
FAR/AIM: § 135.122 Stowage of food, beverage, and passenger service equipment during aircraft movement on the surface, takeoff, and landing.Search FAR/AIM: FAR/AIM > Federal Aviation Regulations > PART 135—OPERATING REQUIREMENTS: COMMUTER AND ON DEMAND OPERATIONS AND RULES GOVERNING PERSONS ON...
Comprehensive regulations for AMTs, maintenance operations, and repair shops. FAR AMT联邦航空维修法规,针对大修厂,航空维护站及航空维护机械师从业者 本次更新内容有91部,125部,135部,147部对应的航空维护规章 以下是对应更新内容和时间表 具体全文更新内容已经由对应的秘钥解码成电子文档!
One commenter objects to proposed § 135.429(d), arguing that a person whose competency as a mechanic has not been certified should not be performing maintenance on or inspecting an air carrier aircraft. The commenter does not agree with the argument that remote area operations require unique and...
The aircraft must currently be certified, and maintained in accordance with Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) Part 135 standards. Except for Company flight operations, a Crew Member shall not perform any flying that would count toward his Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) flight time or duty time...
FAR-145 基础培训 联邦航空条例(FederalAviationRegulation)第145部(Part145)基础培训 西安维修基地FAA取证办公室2013年7月24日 1 China Eastern 培训要点联邦航空条例(FederalAviationRegulation)体系概述FAR与CCAR相关规章对照FAR-145与CCAR-145目录对照FAR-145与CCAR-145咨询通告(...
Part 129 Operations: Foreign Air Carriers and Foreign Operators of U.S. –Registered Aircraft Engaged in Common Carriage Part 133 Rotorcraft External-Load Operations Part 135 Operating Requirements: Commuter and On Demand Operations and Rules Governing Persons on Board Such Aircraft Part 136 Commercial...
This notification must be provided subsequent to the notification by the part 121 or part 135 operator of such operations specifications authorization/designation. [Doc. No. FAA–2003–15085, 70 FR 58831, Oct. 7, 2005, as amended by Amdt. 145–25, 70 FR 75397, Dec. 20, 2005] § ...