《孤山之歌》《FAR OVER THE MISTY MOUNTAINS COLD》《霍比特人:意外旅程》电影插曲,叙述矮人一族坎坷的历史。反正我听了这歌之后又看了一遍电影。我按我感觉的意思做了一下翻译处理歌 词:J·R·R·托尔金歌 手:Geoff Castellucci翻 译:Aladdin Batu动 画:Aladdin Bat
Far over the misty mountains cold,To dungeons deep and caverns old,The pines were roaring on the heights,The winds were moaning in the night,The fire was red, it flaming spread,The trees like torches blazed with light
Far over the misty mountains cold To dungeons deep and caverns old We must away ere break of day To find our long forgaten gold The pines were roaring on the heights The winds was moaning in the night The fire was red it flaming spread The trees like torches blazed with light...
《Far over the Misty Mountains Cold-霍比特人OST》歌词 Far over the misty mountains cold To dungeons deep, and caverns old We must away ere break of day To seek the pale enchanted gold. The dwarves of yore made mighty spells, While hammers fell like ringing bells In places deep, where da...
The dragon-fire in twisted wire They meshed the light of moon and sun Far over the misty mountains cold To dungeons deep and caverns old We must away, ere break of day To claim our long-forgotten gold Goblets they carved there for themselves And harps of gold, where no man ...
【木精灵演奏陶笛】《霍比特人》片尾曲 Far Over The Misty Mountains Cold 吹陶笛的小仓鼠 04:14 tuzihulu 03:24 世界公认的天籁之音,《魔戒》插曲《May It Be》,让人瞬间忘掉烦恼 一颗爱笑的薄荷糖 魔戒系列电影(指环王、霍比特人)中震撼的战争场面 ...
The dragon-fire on twisted wire They meshed the light of moon and sun. Far over the Misty Mountains cold To dungeons deep and caverns old We must away ere break of day To claim our long-forgotten gold. Goblets they carved there for themselves And harps of gold where no man ...
Geoff Castellucci - Far over the Misty Mountains Cold Far over the Misty Mountains cold To dungeons deep and caverns old We must away ere break of day To find our long-forgotten gold The pines were roaring on the height The winds were moaning in the night The fire was red it flaming ...