Since the FNBP map work is mostly done, it will now be time to turn our attention to other maps. This includes the maps for the upcoming orienteering festival, which will take place on the first weekend of August 2024, with plans to repeat the event and invite orienteers from Outside in...
Although between the northern and southern high- R0 regions there is a substantial gap with herds with R0<1, a full outbreak in the south is likely to result in infections in the north, independent of the movement of mobile herds. In particular, the expected number of primary infections amon...
Martynova N, Budarova V, Kravchenko V (2022) Geospatial assessment of regression analysis between the hydrocarbon content in surface waters and snow cover on the example of the territories of the far North of Russia. J Ecol Eng 23(3):74–83. Article...
If the 1-D Earth models are underestimating the flux of water out of exposed and rebounding sections of West Antarctica, why are these models overestimating the local sea-level rise in the far field, i.e., why do the far-field sections of the difference maps in Fig. 3 (frames b, c,...
GISmorphometrystructural fractureIn the Far-North Region of Cameroon, the high rate of weathering and erosion of rocks do not allow to map the hydrological and geological structures in the field. This paper aims to test the combined use of field topographic data and Shuttler Radar Topography ...
Remote communities, which do not have a connection to the national grid in Far North Queensland (FNQ), depend on dirty and costly diesel generators to meet their energy demands. The cost of power generation is considerable in those areas, because the diesel fuel must be carried by truck or ...
35 A phan dlodo dy frawd gyda thi, a llesgáu o’i law; cynorthwya ef, fel y byddo byw gyda thi; er ei fod yn ddieithrddyn, neu yn alltud. 36 Na chymer ganddo ocraeth na llog; ond ofna dy Dduw: a gad i’th frawd fyw gyda thi. 37 Na ddod dy arian iddo ar us...
“Heavy snow, like the record snows that crippled Baltimore and Washington last winter, is likely to increase because storms are moving north. Also, the Great Lakes aren’t freezing as early or as much. “As cold outbreaks occur, cold air goes over the Great Lakes, picks up moisture and ...
2). Generally, the flow direction in the studied aquifer was from south to north. The constrains were calcium, carbon, sodium, magnesium, sulfur, chloride, potassium, and silica, while the phases were kaolinite, calcite, dolomite, sodium chloride, illite gypsum, SiO2, and Na2SO4. Download:...
The availability of many and large forested places in the periphery of the centre (especially in Rouen), which are actually well used (see maps) is a potential explanation for this. This result suggests that the size of an UGS is not directly a choice component, but rather an implicit ...