Far From Any Road The Handsome Family 999+ From the dusty mesa从那烟尘弥漫的平丘间 Her looming shadow grows她神秘莫测之影愈发滋长 Hidden in the branches隐埋在 Of the poison creosote充满木榴油毒液的枝干中 She twines her spines up slowly她将荆棘般的脊缓慢蜿蜒 Towards the boiling sun只为面向...
Far From Any Road The Handsome Family Far From Any Road - The Handsome Family (Main Title Theme from "True Detective") From the dusty may sun her looming shadow grows Hidden in the branches of the poison creosote She twines her spines up slowly towards the boiling sun And when I touched...
Far From Any Road - The Handsome Family(Main Title Theme from "True Detective")From the dusty may sun her looming shadow growsHidden in the branches of the poison creosote She twines her spines up slowly towards the boiling sun And when I touched her skin my fingers ran with blood In the...
Far From Any Road (Main T... - The H...(Main Title Theme from "True Detective")真探主题曲 From the dusty Mesa her looming shadow grows从尘土漫漫的平顶山上,升起她若隐若现的身影 Hidden in the branches of the poison creosote.隐藏在充满毒液的枝蔓中 She twines her spines up slowly ...
Far From Any Road - Alina Gingertail Lyrics by:Brett Sparks/Rennie Sparks Composed by:Brett Sparks/Rennie Sparks From the dusty mesa Her looming shadow grows Hidden in the branches Of the poison creosote She twines her spines up slowly Towards the boiling sun And when I touched ...
黄昏单曲循环: Far From Any Road -- From the dusty mesa Her looming shadow grows Hidden in the branches of the poison creosote She twines her spines up slowly Towards the boiling sun And when I touched her skin My fingers ran with blood ...
Far from any road 的演唱者之一,Handsome Family的Rennie Sparks讲述歌曲背后故事的一段话: 观察自然总是会带来灵感,Rnnie邂逅吉姆森草时便是如此。吉姆森草(曼陀罗属)是一种只会在夜晚开花的植物,花朵又大又白。黑暗中,蛾子以它们为食。“夜晚中的悄然绽放,多像个浪漫故事,”她讲述这首歌(Far from any road...
Far From Any Road - Jerry Williams/Anna Ternheim Lyrics by:Rennie Sparks/Brett Sparks Composed by:Rennie Sparks/Brett Sparks Produced by:Ian Person From the dusty mesa her looming shadow grows Hidden in the branches of the poison creosote She twines her spines up slowly towards the ...