《孤岛惊魂2》注册表,(Far Cry 2)REG 下载解压,点击鼠标右键,选择“编辑”调用记事本程序进行修改。将红色高亮部分修改成你自己的安装目录即可。修改完成后,双击导入注册表即可。(或者复制以下代码,粘贴到记事本,另存为XX.reg格式亦可。) ———分割线———Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACH...
In Far Cry 4, players find themselves in Kyrat, a breathtaking, perilous and wild region of the Himalayas struggling under the regime of a despotic self-appointed king. Using a vast array of weapons, vehicles, and animals, players will write their own story across an exotic open-world landsc...
FAR CRY PRIMAL Velkommen til steinalderen, en tidsalder der farene alltid truet og mulighetene for eventyr var uendelige – den gang enorme mammuter og sabeltanntigere regjerte på jorden og menneskene sto nederst i næringskjeden. Som siste overlevende i jaktgruppen din må du sett...
说明:,《孤岛惊魂2》注册表,(Far Cry 2)REG,下载解压,点击鼠标右键,选择“编辑”调用记事本程序进行修改。将红色高亮部分修改成你自己的安装目录即可。修改完成后,双击导入注册表即可。(或者复制以下代码...
【Heaven Trap】EDM200 | Z&Z,Marin Hoxha,CryJaxx - Brave (feat. Sarah de Warren) 03:16 【Midtempo】EDM201 | Nitti Gritti,RUNN - Where I Belong 04:13 【Trance】EDM202 | ATB,HALIENE - Pages 03:43 【Electro Pop】EDM203 | Elise Lieberth,Le Bober - Say It Right 02:57 【Techno...
Five years ago, for Far Cry 2's tenth anniversary, I wrote a whole series of blog posts reflecting on some of the great criticism the game had generated. Today marks the game's fifteenth anniversary, but rather than revisit that exercise, which was a lot of work, I'll leave it to th...
09/29/14 22:36:39 - [POL_Wine] Message: Running wine-1.7.27 regedit /home/apa/.PlayOnLinux//tmp/regkey.reg (Working directory : /home/apa/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/FarCry_gog/drive_c/GOG Games/Far Cry) 09/29/14 22:36:39 - [POL_Wine] Message: Wine return: 0 09/29/14 22:36:...
go to where you installed your far cry 3 Locate the bin file and open it Find FC3Editor and rename it to FC3EditorSteam.exe Download the FC3 registry from this link https://www.regfiles.net/registry/far-cry-3-registry Open the registry file and install it (Skip the computer security...
Extract the files from this mod into their place - patch.dat and patch.fat into Far Cry 2 > Data_Win32, and Dunia.dll into Far Cry 2 > bin Start a new game Optional but recommended: Run the included "ExtraContent.reg" to add extra machetes and missions to your game ...
也重新定义了我心目中孤岛惊魂的样子,同样9分。 4代全方面加强了3代的感觉,我认为还是不错的,也算可以。我给8分 5代风景我非常喜欢,但是召唤强制开始剧情我是真的恶心,但是直升机手感又异 饕餮童子 11:10 7874 【06.10 水贴】百度孤岛惊魂吧一号灌水楼【水属性】 REG调节器 本帖提供给吧友们聊天搞基...