The award-winning Far Cry franchise returns in the Stone Age, a time of danger and adventure, when humanity is struggling to survive. Conquer this innovative open world with breathtaking environments and unpredictable savage encounters. • STONE AGE BY
Dive into the savage universe of Far Cry with this double-pack edition featuring both Far Cry 4 and Far Cry Primal. FAR CRY 4 Hidden in the towering Himalayas lies Kyrat, a country steeped in tradition and violence. You are Ajay Ghale. Traveling to Kyr
对《Far Cry ..大概玩过三四遍了,百分百存档一个,专家模式通关一次。主角所在的温迦人是典型的欧洲白种人的祖先,虽然长得黑,但面相就是高加索人种,只是晒黑的;乌当人据说原型是尼安德特人,脑壳就是山顶洞人的模样;埃吉拉人
Far Cry 2 is the cult classic, 3 is the one that put the series into the mainstream, and 4 onwards just keep selling based on the success of 3. There's also Primal, but I think to this day that everyone still thinks that one was just an April Fools joke that hasn't been taken ...
Review: Far Cry Primal Turns You Into a Superhero Caveman.PeckhamMattEBSCO_bspTime Com Far Cry Primal《極地戰嚎:野蠻紀源》實機遊戲畫面解析 / Gameplay Walkthrough [中文字幕] Ubisoft SEA 【立即加入 Ubisoft SEA 粉絲團 】 穿梭在歐羅斯大地並探索首部公開在 Far Cry Primal《極地戰嚎:野蠻紀源》當中石...
暴力 此內容已遭鎖定 顯示全部 描述 好评如潮的《Far Cry》系列作,曾将游戏背景选在热带地区和喜马拉雅山脉,如今在别具一格的自由世界里进行沙盒游戏,展开了人类存亡的原始争斗,还有大量野兽,惊险的环境以及变化莫测的野人出没。 欢迎来到石器时代,这里充满了极度的危险和无尽的探险,巨大的猛犸象和剑齿虎统治着地球,...