Far Cry 6 is the latest and quite possibly the greatest in Ubisoft’s long-running open-world shooter series. The island of Yara is a beautiful, dangerous place to explore, loaded with secrets and objectives that are actually worth hunting down this time. It’s still best enjoyed in small...
The Far Cry series has been in a bit of a slump this past half-decade.Far Cry PrimalandFar Cry New Dawnproved middling spin-offs, while the promise ofFar Cry 5floundered in an uninspiring setting and the muddied politics of its story. Enter Far Cry 6, which returns the series to its...
When you arrive inFar Cry 6’s island nation of Yara on October 7, you’ll be greeted with the most extensive set of options seen in a Far Cry game. But it’s not just about the sheer number of options, it’s about how they’re organized. The team wants to introduce more presets...
Planning and executing a stealthy infiltration is still as satisfying as it was as far back as Far Cry 2, despite the awkward AI and quirky enemy spawn system. Far Cry 6 doesn't do enough to stand out from its predecessors in my view, but that may well be a me problem. Ultimately, ...
This Perk has two components, with the less useful one being the ability to revive teammates 50% faster. Ideally, that shouldn't be needed but is nice. However, what makes it rank so high is the 50% shorter delay on health regen. Your health will come back over time in Zombies but ...
they will not serve before officials of low rank.” Prov. 2:29 NIV Moving From the Head to the Heart It’s so unpleasant even to read these things. Imagine going to work at Durham’s each day. Who do you know that has their safety or health endangered by their work?
Ranked By 1.8K votes 187 voters 1 reranks Voting Rules Vote up all the best Series X/S games. If you've recently purchased an Xbox Series X (or S) and are wondering which titles you should pick up immediately, you've come to the right place. This is an ongoing poll of the best...
Far Cry 2 FPS Singleplayer Survival Fun Embed Buttons Link to Far Cry 2: Vanilla+ (Tom's Mod) by selecting a button and using the embed code provided more... Statistics Rank 3,422 of 60,589 Visits 58,986 (22 today) Last Update 10 months ago Watchers 47 members Files 13...
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Over 400 Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of All The Best PS5 Games (So Far) HOW RANKINGS WORK If you've recently purchased a PS5 and are wondering which titles you should pick up immediately, you've come to the right place. This is an ongoing poll of the best Play...