While previousFar Cry gameshave mostly pitted us against pirates, mercenaries, and cultists (not to mention mutants, evil cavemen, and cyber commandos), Far Cry 6 makes its bad guys a properly organized and equipped army. It’s a little straight–laced, given the series’ origins, but it ...
FULL REVIEW PlayStation 5 80 Vgames Oct 6, 2021 The story can be a bit confusing, as is the structure of how it's played out, but this doesn't detract from the fact that this is probably the most fun I've had with a Ubisoft game and a Far Cry game in particular. ...
Far Cry 6, the first-person shooter from Ubisoft, Is an outstanding game in the franchise. It has the core elements of the previous prequels of the series,
Far Cry 6 Review 8 Review scoring great Far Cry 6 smooths over a lot of the bumps that have cropped up in the past few games and even though it misses some steps, especially with its new inventory system, it's the best the series has been in years. Jon RyanRead Review Summary Far ...
Though it can be really fun, especially when it descends into absolute chaos, Far Cry 6 is overstuffed and disjointed, with so many ideas that it's tough to focus.
On PlayStation 5, the performance of Far Cry 6 is subpar for a game of its pedigree. With an optional HD texture pack, the game looks fantastic when you just stand back and watch the chaos act itself out. However, in motion, this is one game that never failed to give me a headache...
oversaw production of Far Cry 6 x Stranger Things - The Vanishing DLC is intimately familiar with the show. It's a great template for expanding the Stranger Things universe without retreading events that we've already seen. I'd love to see a full Stranger Things game developed from this ...
Far Cry 6 GameSpot may get a commission from retail offers. What Gamespot Users have to say about Far Cry 6 Bland, tedious and boring Review Score:6 Byjoewoodbury| Review Date: Apr 22, 2022 |PC After taking down the third checkpoint exactly the same way, I worried this would be the...
Far Cry is always being known for having giant maps and a shooting gameplay that doesn't take itself too seriously. FC6 unfortunately is a huge hole in the water because of bad game-design choices and a map that is too big and too empty and when you combine these two with a lot of...
inGame Testing. Manufacturer:Ubisoft Screenshots » Introduction Far Cry 6 is here! Since Ubisoft took over complete control of the franchise from its creator Crytek, Far Cry has had a familiar, recurring theme. You, the protagonist, find yourself in a dystopian land ruled by a dictator or ...