Become the villain as you step into the mind of Vaas Montenegro from Far Cry® 3 and battle your inner demons in a brand-new DLC episode unlike any experience before from Far Cry. Unveil the backstory of this iconic villain as you explore unique locations in a twisted version of the Roo...
Become the villain as you step into the mind of Vaas Montenegro from Far Cry 3 and battle your inner demons in a brand new DLC episode unlike any experience from Far Cry before. Unveil the backstory of this iconic villain as you explore unique locations in a twisted version of the Rook ...
DLC 1 “Vaas: Insanity” DLC 2 “Pagan: Control” DLC 3 “Joseph: Collapse” FAR CRY 3: Blood Dragon Classic Edition The “Blood Dragon Set” bundle that includes 7 Blood Dragon items useable in Far Cry 6. Find out more Buy on PlayStation Store ...
DLC 此内容需要在 Steam 上拥有基础游戏 Far Cry® 6 才能畅玩。 购买Far Cry 6® DLC 1 Vaas: Insanity ¥ 75.00 添加至购物车 关于此内容 在一个全新的 DLC 章节中,进入范斯·蒙特奈葛的精神世界,化身成为这位来自《孤岛惊魂 3》的反派人物,并与内心的恶魔斗争,享受从未有过的《孤岛惊魂》体验。在...
Become the villain as you step into the flamboyantly eccentric mind of Pagan Min from Far Cry® 4. ¥ 75.00 Far Cry® 6 DLC 1 Vaas: Insanity 2023 年 5 月 11 日 进入范斯·蒙特奈葛的精神世界,化身成为这位来自《孤岛惊魂 3》的反派人物,并与内心的恶魔斗争。 ¥ 198.00 Far Cry...
Far Cry 6 - Vaas:Insanity 孤岛惊魂6 范斯:疯狂的视频,攻略,评测,图片,评分,讨论, 帮助你判断是否好玩,发现更多相似好游戏及爱玩这些游戏的人
Far Cry 6® Season Pass includes three twisted new adventures from the perspective of Vaas, Pagan Min, and Joseph Seed plus Far Cry®3: Blood Dragon - Classic Edition. 發佈者 UBISOFT 開發者 UBISOFT TORONTO 遊戲方式 Xbox One Xbox Series X|S 功能 線上合作玩家 (2-2) 線上多人遊戲 (2...
DLC 1 “Vaas: Insanity” DLC 2 “Pagan: Control” DLC 3 “Joseph: Collapse” FAR CRY 3: Blood Dragon Classic Edition The “Blood Dragon Set” bundle that includes 7 Blood Dragon items useable in Far Cry 6. Find out more Buy on PlayStation Store ...
Become the villain as you step into the mind of Vaas Montenegro from Far Cry 3 and battle your inner demons. Unveil the backstory of this iconic villain as you explore unique locations in a twisted version of the Rook Islands to collect keys and escape y