Our Criptograma Charts section will show you how to find every Criptograma Chest in the game, as well as where to find their Sigils so that you can open them up for the special Gear inside. Open all the Criptograma Chests to unlock the achievement "That's Puzzling". ...
Most armor pieces are bought from the Bandidos Barracks, one of the buildable camp facilities. Upgrade this building to level 3 to unlock more armor for purchase. 15 pieces are from the Criptograma Chests, a few from Story, Treasure Hunts, Mythical Animals, and upgrading the Fishing Hut. Th...
Fry Cry Purchase 15 Meals 1 guide That's My Jam Find 15 USB Sticks 2 guides That's Puzzling Unlock 15 Criptograma Chests 1 guide Car Cry Collect all 4 Rides 2 guides Recrooster Find all Roosters 1 guide Loyal Army Recruit 5 Amigos ...
Far Cry 6 has a total of 98 Weapons (49 Purchasable Weapons & 49 Unique Weapons). Finding all 49 Unique Weapons unlocks the Armed to the Teeth trophy and achievement. The non-unique purchasable weapons don’t count for the trophy and achievement! The unique weapons are found in the world ...
Unlock 15 Criptograma Chests20.02% Uncommon Car Cry Collect all 4 Rides26.43% Uncommon Recrooster Find all Roosters20.57% Uncommon Loyal Army Recruit 5 Amigos30.60% Uncommon @CanYouPetTheCroc Pet Guapo28thSep 2021 6:29:19 PM84.09% Common ...
Fry CryPurchase 15 Meals 23.50%Uncommon That's My JamFind 15 USB Sticks 15th May 2022 3:11:24 PM 20.94%Uncommon That's PuzzlingUnlock 15 Criptograma Chests 20.49%Uncommon Car CryCollect all 4 Rides 15th May 2022 3:33:49 PM 27.01%Uncommon RecroosterFind all Roosters 21.09%Uncommon ...
Finding the chests and all of the associated charts makes this a daunting treasure hunt. Here's how to find and open all the Criptograma Chests in Far Cry 6.
Our Far Cry 6 Criptograma Chests guide has all their locations for players, as well as what you need to do to open them. Where to get more gunpowder (Image credit: Ubisoft) If you want to know how to make mods and attachments for your equipment, our Far Cry 6 gunpowder guide is ...
Far Cry 6 gunpowder | Far Cry 6 co op | Far Cry 6 length | Far Cry 6 third person | Far Cry 6 Chorizo | Far Cry 6 Criptograma Chests | Far Cry 6 best gear and builds | Far Cry 6 industrial circuits | Far Cry Seeds of Love | Far Cry 6 update patch notes | Far Cry 6 ...
You'll also want to destroy anti-aircraft guns when you find them, otherwise, you won't be able to fly around Yara—or progress the story in some sections. There are still the usual animal hunting missions, too, and new Criptograma Chests that lead to unique gear. ...