“Far Cry Arcade”(官方中文译为“游乐场”)是传承了系列作品地图编辑器特色而成的全新模式,《孤岛惊魂5》中几乎所有的多人内容都放在了游乐场中。玩家游玩多人对战需要在游乐场进行,而多人对战地图除了官方制作的以外,玩家也可以自行设计独特的地图,来提供给其他玩家游玩。 玩家还可以制作供其他玩家单人/协力挑战...
《Far Cry 5》“游戏厅( Arcade )”模式测试 《Far Cry》(以下简写为FC)——网友们爱称为“远哭”系列,港台繁体中文官方翻译叫《极地战嚎》,大陆简中官方目前应该是承袭了当初破解/盗版/汉化组留下的《孤岛惊魂》这个名字——最早是由德国Crytek工作室开发的第一人称射击游戏。FC系列第一作FC1是Crytek工作室...
Far Cry 5 comes to America: lead a resistance against the fanatical cult, Eden's Gate. Coming February 27, 2018 on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.
Far Cry Arcade allows you to experience more multiplayer action and wreak havoc in Far Cry 5! Create and share maps, or play on maps created by other members of the Far Cry community. You will unlock the Arcade once you complete the tutorial. There are multiple ways to access the Arcade...
Grab your tokens for this week’s Arcade Dawn Live Event! Take a break from fighting peggies and play through your favorite Arcade maps to earn the Vector .45 ACP and Arcade Pro Player community outfit. Personal Reward: 15 minutes: 50 silver bars, 100 XP
Ubisoft has released details on the DLC for Far Cry 5, including what will be included in the Season Pass, as well as free content with Far Cry Arcade.View the Season Pass trailer below:Anyone who purchases the Far Cry 5 Season Pass or Far Cry 5 Gold Edition will get the ...
在线看Far Cry 5: Arcade – Infinite Gameplay and a.. 3分钟 25秒。2018 3月 11的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册! 70 — 已浏览。
孤岛惊魂5 PS4回答 clwangcl 个人感觉不能反正gta 就是分开的 2018-03-29 10:10 azathoth_qwq PS4版等别人做一个,或者自己做 2018-03-29 10:37 damon_jay0506 肯定会有大神在主机版做这些地图的 放心吧 2018-03-29 13:21 dw--shadow 没有P90的dust2根本不是dust2 2018-03-29 ...
Further enhancing the replayability of Far Cry 5 is Far Cry Arcade, an entirely new mode separate from the campaign where you can create your own levels. It aims to keep you playing long after you’ve cleared out the Hope County map, but in its current state it’s a bit of a disappo...
“If the mainline Far Cry 5 game is a cake – with all its layers – then Far Cry Arcade is our cookbook. We give you all of the tools and ingredients and then it’s up to you, the player, to make your own scenarios, anecdotes and moments that you can share wit...