Archive is the twelfth level in Far Cry. Jack has entered the archives. The level begins with Doyle informing him that Valerie should be somewhere within the complex. Right after this, a glass panel suddenly shatters as an invisible stealth trigen attack
Trivia: Far Cry 3 uses it's protagonist - Jason, to explore "tabula rasa", the idea that individuals are born empty and all mental content comes later from perceptions and sensory experiences imprinted by one's environment onto the mind. This extends to aspects of one's personality, knowledg...
The Machete is a melee weapon appearing in Far Cry, Far Cry 2, Far Cry 3 and Far Cry 6. The machete is a large cutting tool, typically used for navigating the jungle in thick brush. When used as a weapon against other people, it can be utilized in melee
Free Willis is a story mission in Far Cry 4 where the Ajay must head to the Kyrat Int. Airport (just NE of Noore's fortress) to help Willis Huntley oversee a deal with Pagan Min's men, and later escape. In this mission, the player is given a new sniper
Far Cry 3locations GlobalRook Islands(North·South)·Outposts·Radio Towers·Safe House Cut locationsThe Quartet·Zulu Camp North Rook Island RegionsAmanaki Region·Badtown Region·Hubert Shore Region·Northview Gas Region Main locationsAmanaki Village·Badtown·Birdhouse Tower·Calvary Point·Citra's ...
Far Cry Wiki 3,838 pages Explore Far Cry series Other Far Cry games Wiki Topics English Home View source This is a collaborative community wiki, which anyone can edit, about Ubisoft's first-person shooter game franchise, Far Cry. Warning: This encyclopedia may contain spoilers. Read at ...
These are plants that are featured in Far Cry 3, used to craft quite potent Syringes. Plants are split into five main groups: Green plants yield green leaves, which focus on healing and health boosts. Yellow (aka Amber) plants yield yellow leaves, which
Jason Brody is the protagonist of Far Cry 3. Jason came to the Rook Islands while on a skydiving trip with a group of friends and was captured by Pirates. Following his near-fatal escape from the insane Vaas Montenegro, Jason grew to become a legend amon
The Deported is an operation in Far Cry 6. Destroy Castillo's gasolina reserves. Find McKay. Escape the warehouse. Stop the cargo ships. Destroy the cargo ship's hull. Board the cargo ship. Find McKay. Leave McKay alone and head back to shore. Leave La M
Far Cry 5 Official The Resistance Mary May Trailer Ubisoft US Far Cry 5 Official The Resistance Nick Rye Trailer Ubisoft US Far Cry 5 Official The Resistance Pastor Jerome Jeffries Trailer Ubisoft US Random video FAR CRY VR Dive Into Insanity - Announcement trailer Ubisoft Forward 2 ...