A comprehensive guide to all available cheats and secrets for Ubisoft's Far Cry 3 on PC, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360
The F1, also known as the FAMAS F1, is an assault rifle that appears in Far Cry 3 and Far Cry 4. The F1 first appears in Far Cry 3. This weapon becomes free after deactivating 8 Radio Towers. The F1, although lacking somewhat in damage, makes up for it w
It reuses a small zone from the Far Cry 3 map but makes it feel completely fresh with the neon aesthetic. That more streamlined scope in terms of length and size of the world keeps the game focused and getting bloated like the worse entries on this list do. It’s just big enough to ...
A tropical paradise seethes with hidden evil in Far Cry, a cunningly detailed action shooter that pushed the boundaries of combat to shocking new levels.Freelance mariner Jack Carver is cursing the day he ever came to this island. A week ago, a brash female reporter named Valerie had offered...
Jason Brody is the protagonist of Far Cry 3. Jason came to the Rook Islands while on a skydiving trip with a group of friends and was captured by Pirates. Following his near-fatal escape from the insane Vaas Montenegro, Jason grew to become a legend amon
“If my game was set during the Vietnam conflict, for example, we would want the Viet Minh, the Viet Cong … basically everyone’s point of view,” Francois said at the time. Well,Far Cry 6is about as close as Ubisoft has gotten to making a game about the Vietnam War, and you ...
Far Cry 6 Story Length Estimates: 15 Hours Speedrun on Easy Difficulty, skipping all Dialogue & Cutscenes, ignoring all side activities 20-25 Hours on Normal Difficulty, listening to all dialogue, moderate exploration (50% completion). This is how most players will enjoy the game and what will...
While stealth is still a viable option, as it has been since Far Cry 3, it’s easy to get the feeling that Far Cry 6 absolutely doesn’t want you to take this approach. Not because slinking around a military base picking off guards one by one isn’t fun (it certainly is), but ...
Far Cry 6 is the latest and quite possibly the greatest in Ubisoft’s long-running open-world shooter series. The island of Yara is a beautiful, dangerous place to explore, loaded with secrets and objectives that are actually worth hunting down this time. It’s still best enjoyed in small...
be a far cry from be very different to 迥异于 the hotel's royal suite is a far cry from the poverty of his home country. 酒店的皇家套房与他祖国的贫穷反差太大了。 far and near everywhere 到处,处处,四面八方 people came from far and near to the party. 人们从各处来参加聚会。 far and...