明晚Far Cry..先晒一张我的黄色.44,恩然后我的STEAMID是:donggansam。明晚叫兽回来以后组起。记得叫我啊COOP从第一关开始打.都没打过...
Assault Coop Mod is all about co-op! Each map will include save points, objectives, events, and even a mini-storyline to it. Players will be able to make tactical plans to take out enemy strongholds. You will fight to complete the mission along with...
Insecurity - mod, inspired by Half-Life and Half-Life: Blue Shift What if to look at Far Cry from the other side, side of mercenary? What if you are that mercenary, who arrived to work in Krieger's labs, but doesn't even suspect, in some hours he should.
这作重点打磨了多人的coop和multiplayer模式。coop模式双人完成任务,游戏体验很棒。多人对战模式有各种有意思的社区高评分自定义地图,可以利用地形载具等对战,还有自定义的伤害模式等等,很像gta5ol的多人模式,而且多人模式每玩一局会增加大量的金钱,这些钱可以用在单人或者coop里面买各种道具 送TA礼物 来自手机贴吧...
Far Cry 5 - deserves more and the Resistance-Mod gives you this opportunity. You will be able to control the weather and time, respawn enemies and participants in the resistance, defend roadblocks, change spawn modes: from war to quiet nirvana, hunting and fishing. ...
Far Cry 3 Free Download PC Game Cracked in Direct Link and Torrent. Far Cry 3 is an open world first-person shooter game.
"Far Cry 5 - Fanta et Bob COOP" Seulement moiiiiiiiii!!! (Podcast Episode 2018) - Official sites, and other sites with posters, videos, photos and more.
《游戏小讨论》 FAR CRY 3:很多人都夸赞三代的剧情,确实三代有完整且较为不错的的故事链,画质方面因为年代问题也还是较为不错的,解锁哨站扩张友军势力的设定也让玩家对哨站更为上心,显示地图有能让武器免费的天线塔肯定是要去的,还有解锁更高级武器包必须要做的猎人小径任务,都略微扩大了游戏的可玩时间,做完...
"Far Cry 5 - Fanta et Bob COOP" On chasse à la pelle!!! (Podcast Episode 2018) - Awards, nominations, and wins
Far Cry 6 is a good game. Main story is good, side quests are typical for ubisoft - it's like to fill the game but they are not that good like in cyberpunk or witcher. CooP is fun to play. For solo players i will be bored. The island was big but empty. Report Xbox Series X...