To use the cheat in Far Cry 3, you need to follow several steps below: Find the shortcut of the game on the desktop Right-click on it, select the “Property” item in the menu that opens, and then find the “Object” field This field will contain the path to the main game file ...
Far Cry 3 - table v: 2.0.4 CT Game Name: Far Cry 3 Game Vendor: Steam Game Version: 1.05 Game Process: farcry3.exe & farcry3_d3d11.exe Game File Version: Made by Zero Cool Features: Features I2CETState Saves and loads table state (i.e.: what memory records are ...
- Game Name: Far Cry 3 - Game Engine: Dunia Engine 2 - Game Version: v1.06 - Options Required: Flashlight only turns on when the game believes you need it. I want to be able to turn the flashlight on/off when I want to. - Steam Website: - Other Info: I use DirectX 9 ...
我也出现过这个问题,当时百度上搜了一下修复那个什么anti-cheat就好了 10楼2018-12-26 11:22 收起回复 战术肥宅 疯狂加一 10 镇楼出处呢 来自Android客户端11楼2018-12-26 11:40 收起回复 贴吧用户_0KD7Z2b 游戏破千 15 用管理员权限试试 来自iPhone客户端12楼2018-12-26 11:41 回复 ...
+10 Options:无限弹药 无限护甲 无限药剂 无准星扩散 No Sway 无后座力 无限技能点 解锁全部可买项 ...
You can't use the trainer without using EAC bypass which was made by "SunBeam" Link to it ,the thread includes instructions under Instructions: which you must follow to be able to cheat in Far Cry 5 .I would advice disconnecting ...
使用方法 1.解压缩 2.开始游戏 3.启动修改器 修改项说明: F1 > 启动修改器 数字键1 > 无限生命 数字键2 > 无限体力 数字键3 > 无限氧气 数字键4 > 超级隐身 数字键5 > 无限弹药/道具/投掷物/消耗品 数字键6 > 无需装弹 数字键7 > 没有后坐力 ...
If the story had made good on the strength of its initial premise, Far Cry 3 would have been shoo-in for best game of the year. As it stands, it's still the most fun I've had in an open world in ages, a game that plays so well and looks so good, I wish every other piece...
《游戏小讨论》 FAR CRY 3:很多人都夸赞三代的剧情,确实三代有完整且较为不错的的故事链,画质方面因为年代问题也还是较为不错的,解锁哨站扩张友军势力的设定也让玩家对哨站更为上心,显示地图有能让武器免费的天线塔肯定是要去的,还有解锁更高级武器包必须要做的猎人小径任务,都略微扩大了游戏的可玩时间,做完...
\steamapps\common\FarCry5\bin\EasyAntiCheat\ 建议仅在断网单机模式下使用修改器。一旦在单机模式下修改过游戏内容后想要去玩线上需要先将之前的改动恢复。 无限金钱需要打开库存以获得修改效果,为了获得额外的修改功能,你必需修改后使用一次来获得效果。