System requirements Notes References Far Cry 2is asingleplayerandmultiplayerfirst-personaction,FPS,open worldandshootergame in theFar Cryseries. General information Ubisoft Forums Community Discussionsfor game series Support Page
中文名称:孤岛惊魂2 英文名称:Far Cry 2 发行时间:2008年10月21日 游戏类型:第一人称视角射击 游...
幸运的是,PC 上的非官方补丁将使第二个主线条目更易于导航。PC modder Boggalog 本周早些时候在Nexus Mods上上传了一个非官方的Far Cry 2补丁 (通过DSOGaming),完成了小的游戏改进和错误修复,以解决图形和性能问题。例如,Boggalog 的补丁将帧速率限制为 60,有效地解决了弹跳 NPC 问题。影响玩家角色夜间外...
可选择的雇佣兵包括Warren Clyde(美国人),Quarbani Singh(印度裔毛里求斯人),Paul Ferenc(以色列人),白先勇(中国人),Marty Alencar(巴西裔美国人),Frank Bilders(北爱尔兰人),Josip Idromeno(阿尔巴利亚人),Hakim Echebbi(阿尔及利亚人)以及Andre Hyppolite(海地人)。不可选择的角色包括Flora Guillaen(古巴裔安哥拉...
在Steam 上查看“Far Cry”全合集作品 不支持简体中文 本产品尚未对您目前所在的地区语言提供支持。在购买请先行确认目前所支持的语言。 注意: Multiplayer and online features will no longer be available for this product. 购买Far Cry 2 特价促销!3 月 13 日 截止 -75% ¥ 48.00 ¥ 12.00 添加至购...
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Comprar Far Cry 2 Fortune's Edition PC ✔️ CD Key ✔️ Download instantâneo ✔️ Preço fantástico ✔️ Download digital ✔️
2. The Georgian 喬治亞人 Predecessor’s tape found on corpse of Georgian Informant. He was getting closer to the Jackal. 前輩的磁帶,發現於喬治亞告密者的屍體上。他已經接近豺狼。 Dear Jackal, your Georgian friend Gurgenidze, he didn't say much - even when I started cutting off fingers. I ...
Far Cry® 2 is a true open-world FPS where every decision you make affects the outcome of the game. The first sequel to the award-winning franchise takes you to one of the most beautiful and hostile environments in the world - AFRICA. You are a gun for
Far Cry® 2 is a true open-world FPS where every decision you make affects the outcome of the game. The first sequel to the award-winning franchise takes you to one of the most beautiful and hostile environments in the world - AFRICA. You are a gun for