可选择的雇佣兵包括Warren Clyde(美国人),Quarbani Singh(印度裔毛里求斯人),Paul Ferenc(以色列人),白先勇(中国人),Marty Alencar(巴西裔美国人),Frank Bilders(北爱尔兰人),Josip Idromeno(阿尔巴利亚人),Hakim Echebbi(阿尔及利亚人)以及Andre Hyppolite(海地人)。不可选择的角色包括Flora Guillaen(古巴裔安哥拉...
Far Cry® 2 is a true open-world FPS where every decision you make affects the outcome of the game. The first sequel to the award-winning franchise takes you to one of the most beautiful and hostile environments in the world - AFRICA. You are a gun for
Far Cry® 2 es un juego de acción en primera persona abierto, donde cada decisión afecta al desenlace de la partida. La primera continuación de la galardonada franquicia te lleva a uno de los entornos más hermosos y hostiles del mundo: ÁFRICA. E
中文名称:孤岛惊魂2 英文名称:Far Cry 2 发行时间:2008年10月21日 游戏类型:第一人称视角射击 游...
购买Far Cry 2 特价促销!3 月 13 日 截止 -75% ¥ 48.00 ¥ 12.00 添加至购物车 购买Far Cry Bundle 捆绑包 (?) 购买此捆绑包,所有 9 个项目立省 10%! 捆绑包信息 -10% -81% ¥ 1,331.10 ¥ 258.61 添加至购物车 关于这款游戏 You are a gun for hire, trapped in a war-torn ...
The file Far Cry 2.5: Remastered (New Dunia) v.18102020 is a modification for Far Cry 2, a(n) action game. Download for free. File Size: 257 MB
2. The Georgian 喬治亞人 Predecessor’s tape found on corpse of Georgian Informant. He was getting closer to the Jackal. 前輩的磁帶,發現於喬治亞告密者的屍體上。他已經接近豺狼。 Dear Jackal, your Georgian friend Gurgenidze, he didn't say much - even when I started cutting off fingers. I ...
You are sent to war-torn Africa to assassinate The Jackal, a mysterious arms dealer who has rekindled conflict between local warlords, jeopardizing thousands of lives. In order to fulfil your mission you will have to play the warring factions against each other, identify and exploit their weaknes...
育碧今天发布了《Far Cry 2》的首个升级补丁,版本号为1.01,升级包容量42MB。 该补丁修正了游戏在多人游戏、单人游戏和地图编辑器中的大量bug,其中涉及多人游戏的错误修正多达16项。值得注意的修正与新特性包括: 增加CPU性能测试。 杜比5.1支持扩展至大部分声卡。
Far Cry 2 For:PC,Xbox 360,PlayStation 3 Genres:First-Person Shooter Publisher:Ubisoft Entertainment Developer:Ubisoft Entertainment Add to My Games Add to Wishlist Achievements Stickin' it to the man Kill a Faction Captain in Leboa-Sako - the Northern Territory...