Far Cry 2 is a good game not amazing but not terrible either. Maybe it's just the difficultly, or maybe it's those annoying guards who blow you to pieces every 5 minutes. Well its actually both of those things and more, the difficultly in this game is not to the point of extreme ...
Far Cry® 2 is a true open-world FPS where every decision you make affects the outcome of the game. The first sequel to the award-winning franchise takes you to one of the most beautiful and hostile environments in the world - AFRICA. You are a gun for
(50 –вкачествебонуса). Этовнутриигроваявалюта, спомощьюкоторойможнопокупатьдополнительныепредметы, костюмы, расходникиидругойконтент Far Cry...
The open-world first-person shooter was truly revolutionary in 2004. But innovation alone isn't enough to make it an enduring classic. There is virtually nothing about the original Far Cry that isn't improved upon in either its spiritual or direct successor, Crysis and Far Cry 2 respectively...
Версія PS4 Вібрація DUALSHOCK 4 Language, Violence Відомості прогрутаправова інформація The Small Far Cry Credits Pack contains 500 credits – a currency used to purchase extra items, outfits, consumables, and other Far ...
Исследовать Текущая Ладно. Онзадверью. Нужноотдатьдолжноекитаезам. Когдаонирежуттебя, ониделаютэтокроваво. Представь, чтотебяимубили? Всер...
Изначальноесообщение #1 neborator ★★★ Novice ДобрыйДень! Уменя Far Cry 5 Gold Edition на EA. Решилпоиграть. Скачалкакнаписано, распаковал, нажал A...
Last to not forgot, Mutant Rear has been restored and is the first, original work of a mutant to return to Far Cry after 2 decades as part of PROJECT BETA. Character models & textures: DXMZA Code & technical things: FarOut Thank you for reading through this article and check out ...
Этосодержимоезаблокировано Описание Приобретитеиздание Deluxe Edition иполучите Digital Deluxe Pack, вкоторомвынайдете: - Hurk Legacy Pack - Knight Pack - Раскраски "Blast-Off" RAT...
Fak Cry mod is a funny mod where's we (Me, Cj and partially Blue199) combine ytp, random and funny stuff in one creature. we're gonna change sounds, dialogues, cutscenes, maps, textures, menu and some more things. In mod will be 20 changed levels. First "FREE TRIAL" version will ...